Mar 13, 2024
A big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highights ✨
@mui/[email protected]
- [Alert] Add
type to theme (#41324) @sai6855 - [Autocomplete] Fix the options list being added to the DOM in
mode even when there are no options, causing style problems (#41300) @rakeshmusturi - Add
token (#41447) @siriwatknp - [Switch] Convert to support CSS extraction (#41367) @alexfauquette
- [Tooltip] Support event handlers with extra parameters (#41320) @LukasTy
@mui/[email protected]
@mui/[email protected]
- [utils] Fix visually hidden styles' margin unit (#41477) @michaldudak
@mui/[email protected]
@mui/[email protected]
- [material-ui][joy-ui][Autocomplete] Keep in sync highlighted index when the option still exists (#41306) @CGNonofr
- [FormControl] Export
type from index (#41287) @michaeldfoley - [material-ui][TextareaAutosize] Fix inline style not getting applied (#41369) @ZeeshanTamboli
@pigment-css/[email protected]
- Handle more scenarios while transforming sx prop (#41372) @brijeshb42
- Improve testing of fixtures (#41389) @brijeshb42
- Fix
serialize styles error (#41395) @siriwatknp - Use class selector instead of class value (#41442) @brijeshb42
- [next] Warn about unsupported turbo mode in Next.js (#41445) @brijeshb42
- [material-ui] Refine checkout template (#40967) @zanivan
- [material-ui] Add docs for complementary List components (#41329) @anle9650
- [material-ui] Add docs for complementary Dialog components (#41313) @jwithington
- [material-ui] Fix Templates live preview link (#41467) @danilo-leal
- [material-ui] Polish out the templates page (#41468) @zanivan
- [material-ui] Adjust the Templates card design (#41450) @danilo-leal
- [joy-ui] Remove unnecessary styles in color inversion footer demo (#41419) @cipherlogs
- [joy-ui] Update case studies chip background color (#41413) @cipherlogs
- [joy-ui] Remove wrong CSS prop from the Sign-in-side template (#41383) @cipherlogs
- [joy-ui] Fix broken link on the Color Inversion page (#41407) @cipherlogs
- [pigment] Add example and guide section (#41249) @siriwatknp
- [pigment-css] Brand name nonbreaking space (#41438) @oliviertassinari
- [pigment-css] Fix import on the README (#41411) @danilo-leal
- [pigment-css] Edit starter template links on README (#41409) @danilo-leal
- [pigment-css] Tweak the examples and edit READMEs (#41408) @danilo-leal
- [pigment-css] Adjust the bit about CSS vars on the README (#41463) @danilo-leal
- Finish brand name fixes #41438 @oliviertassinari
- Remove noreferrer @oliviertassinari
- Fix v4 docs
appearing in notifications (#41390) @peterwangsc - Update GitHub project links (#41370) @danilo-leal
- [pigment] Make all Pigment CSS packages public (#41404) @brijeshb42
- [pigment] Rename directories to match package names (#41453) @brijeshb42
- [pigment-css] Example fix leading spaces (#41439) @oliviertassinari
- [code-infra] Add short note about e2e-website workflow schedule (#41355) @Janpot
- [code-infra] Add alias for icon types (#41248) @Janpot
- [code-infra] Reduce concurrency of typescript:ci further (#41392) @Janpot
- [code-infra] Reduce concurrency for test_types ci job (#41385) @Janpot
- [code-infra] Adapt API code generator to Base UI repo needs (#41475) @michaldudak
- [docs-infra] Don't generate preview files for the templates (#41379) @mnajdova
- [docs-infra] Fix pigment css apps path in the render mui demos script (#41476) @mnajdova
- [docs-infra] move feedback to ESM (#41381) @alexfauquette
- [docs-infra] Improve color contrast throughout (#41387) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Simplify Algolia crawler config (#41312) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Adjust the tabs and layout selection design (#41084) @danilo-leal
- [blog] Update the Base UI post with links to dedicated repo (#41358) @danilo-leal
- [website] Update the Careers page role (#41384) @danilo-leal
- [website] Compress about images @oliviertassinari
- [website] Improve color contrast on the homepage (#41465) @danilo-leal
- [examples] Add pigment-css-vite-ts starter example (#41196) @siriwatknp
- [examples] Add pigment-css-nextjs-ts starter project (#41105) @siriwatknp
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @anle9650, @brijeshb42, @CGNonofr, @cipherlogs, @danilo-leal, @jwithington, @Janpot, @michaeldfoley, @michaldudak, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @peterwangsc, @rakeshmusturi, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @zanivan, @ZeeshanTamboli