What's Changed
- Add joss references by @AldoGl in #23
- add filters before loss function computation by @AldoGl in #24
- calibrator: add sim_length param to Calibrator constructor by @AldoGl in #25
- fix: add coordinate_filters to concrete loss classes by @marcofavoritobi in #26
- Use tables to append to series_samp array by @AldoGl in #27
- Improve best batch and random forest classes by @AldoGl in #29
- Add CORS sampler by @AldoGl in #28
- Add xgboost sampler by @AldoGl in #30
- Refactoring and improvement of msm covariance matrices by @AldoGl in #31
- bump version to 0.2.0 by @AldoGl in #32
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0