Releases: graphql/graphql-relay-js
Releases · graphql/graphql-relay-js
v0.10.1 (2024-07-11)
Bug Fix 🐞
Docs 📝
- #392 Fix links (@andimarek)
Internal 🏠
Committers: 3
- Andreas Marek(@andimarek)
- Benjie(@benjie)
- Guilherme(@noghartt)
v0.10.0 (2021-12-19)
Breaking Change 💥
- #340 Migrate to TypeScript (@saihaj)
- #362 connection: use proper type for
(@IvanGoncharov) - #364 Drop support for PromiseLike object in mutation resolvers (@IvanGoncharov)
- #365 Add back support for PromiseLike values in mutation resolvers (@IvanGoncharov)
- #370 TS: sync up TS typings with Flow typings (@IvanGoncharov)
- #373 Switch to [email protected] (@IvanGoncharov)
New Feature 🚀
- #371 Export 'ConnectionConfig' and 'GraphQLConnectionDefinitions' types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #372 TS: add typings for 'src/utils/base64.js' (@IvanGoncharov)
Bug Fix 🐞
- #374 Fix: 'fromGlobalId' trowing on invalide UTF code points (@IvanGoncharov)
Polish 💅
3 PRs were merged
- #363 Improve internal typings (@IvanGoncharov)
- #366 Add explicit typing of recursive variables (@IvanGoncharov)
- #369 TS: add 'declare' to function typings (@IvanGoncharov)
Internal 🏠
- #368 Sync up NPM build script with graphql-js (@IvanGoncharov)
Committers: 2
- Ivan Goncharov(@IvanGoncharov)
- Saihajpreet Singh(@saihaj)
v0.9.0 (2021-09-13)
Breaking Change 💥
- #351 Flow: switched to exact object by default (@IvanGoncharov)
- #354 feat: remove typescript only interface export (@saihaj)
New Feature 🚀
Bug Fix 🐞
Dependency 📦
Committers: 2
- Ivan Goncharov(@IvanGoncharov)
- Saihajpreet Singh(@saihaj)
v0.8.0 (2021-06-29)
Breaking Change 💥
- #345 Replace 'any' with 'mixed' in return types of various resolvers (@IvanGoncharov)
- #346 Switch to custom base64 implementation (@IvanGoncharov)
New Feature 🚀
- #344 nodeDefinitions: Allow to pass number as ID values (@IvanGoncharov)
Bug Fix 🐞
- #348 arrayConnection: return all elements if cursors are on the outside (@IvanGoncharov)
- #349 Allow mutations to return custom classes (@IvanGoncharov)
Polish 💅
2 PRs were merged
- #342 fix: convert number offset to string (@saihaj)
- #347 arrayConnection-test: improve readability and minimise duplication (@IvanGoncharov)
Internal 🏠
Dependency 📦
- #350 Update deps (@IvanGoncharov)
Committers: 2
- Ivan Goncharov(@IvanGoncharov)
- Saihajpreet Singh(@saihaj)
v0.7.0 (2021-06-01)
Breaking Change 💥
- #249 Drop support of Node v6, v8, v9 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #253 Flow: switch to exact types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #255 Flow: replaced deprecated types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #266 graphql: Drop pre-14.0.0 versions add support for 15.x.x (@IvanGoncharov)
- #297 Drop support for Node10 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #300 Remove maybe types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #332 Drop support for graphql@14 (@IvanGoncharov)
New Feature 🚀
- #279 Add TypeScript declaration files (@danielrearden)
- #330 Added a description to the pagination arguments. (@IvanGoncharov)
- #333 mutationWithClientMutationId: pass through
Bug Fix 🐞
- #228 Use $ReadOnlyArray type for connection data (@jaroslav-kubicek)
- #268 Avoid null payload in mutation (@IvanGoncharov)
- #280 Sync TypeScript types with Flow types (@danielrearden)
- #284 Fix TS types (@danielrearden)
- #331 connection: allow
to any named type with or without non-null (@IvanGoncharov)
Docs 📝
- #317 docs: fix and update links to HTTPS also general cleanup (@IvanGoncharov)
Polish 💅
28 PRs were merged
- #251 Flow: Switch all files to '@flow strict' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #256 Flow: enable 'sketchy-null-string' check (@IvanGoncharov)
- #260 Update ESLint and sync up config with 'graphql-js' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #261 ESLint: enable 'no-unused-vars' check (@IvanGoncharov)
- #262 ESLint: enable 'arrow-body-style' rule (@IvanGoncharov)
- #265 Fix formating of string literals in all source files (@IvanGoncharov)
- #267 tests: remove unnecessary returns (@IvanGoncharov)
- #269 Remove unnecessary async code (@IvanGoncharov)
- #270 Use graphql's predicate function instead of
(@IvanGoncharov) - #271 Remove unnecessary async code, part 2 (@IvanGoncharov)
- #272 ESLint: enable 'import/order' rule (@IvanGoncharov)
- #273 ESLint: enable 'import/extensions' rule (@IvanGoncharov)
- #277 Make object types exact by default (@danielrearden)
- #285 Add downlevel-dts (@danielrearden)
- #287 LICENSE: Remove year from copyright (@IvanGoncharov)
- #288 Achieve full test coverage (@IvanGoncharov)
- #295 prettier: fix formatting (@IvanGoncharov)
- #304 Sync .flowconfig with 'graphql-js' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #312 tests: Switch to using named args for graphql/graphqlSync (@IvanGoncharov)
- #313 tests: Remove numbers as keys of object (@IvanGoncharov)
- #318 test: Use short syntax for queries and mutations (@IvanGoncharov)
- #319 tests: Add '-test' postfix to every test file (@IvanGoncharov)
- #320 connectiontypes: inline types into 'connection.js' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #321 Consistently use camelcase for filenames (@IvanGoncharov)
- #326 mutation-test: simplify tests setup (@IvanGoncharov)
- #327 tests: replaces introspection queries with printing schemas (@IvanGoncharov)
- #329 connection-test: add that checks generated types (@IvanGoncharov)
- #334 connectionDefinitions: remove superfluous destructuring (@IvanGoncharov)
Internal 🏠
33 PRs were merged
- #223 chore(dependencies): use prettier as a dev dependency (@JeandeCampredon)
- #246 Update prettier and sync up its config with graphql-js (@IvanGoncharov)
- #247 Update Flow and sync it's config with 'graphql-js' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #250 Update LICENSE and remove license header from source files (@IvanGoncharov)
- #254 Remove watch script (@IvanGoncharov)
- #257 Update mocha & chai (@IvanGoncharov)
- #258 Switch 'isparta' to 'nyc' and 'coveralls' to 'codecov' (@IvanGoncharov)
- #259 Sync up ignore files with graphql-js (@IvanGoncharov)
- #263 ESLint: enable more plugins (partial sync up with graphql-js) (@IvanGoncharov)
- #274 Add build script (@danielrearden)
- #275 Move showStats function to utils (@danielrearden)
- #278 Add TypeScript ESLint rules (@danielrearden)
- #281 Switch to NPM (@danielrearden)
- #282 Add cspell (@danielrearden)
- #290 Add EasyCLA info (@brianwarner)
- #293 Mark main package.json as private to prevent accidental publishing (@IvanGoncharov)
- #294 package.json: remove 'prepublish' script (@IvanGoncharov)
- #298 Switch to GitHub Actions (@IvanGoncharov)
- [#299](