Release 1.0.0
Publishing the legacy version after owner change. There are already a few notable changes atop the original stable version:
Potentially troubling
- Moved CSS & JS from
, used pipelined concatenation, minification fingerprinting - Plain HTML in header & footer; Markdown not supported anymore. Docs updated.
- title_guard feature, color made more contrasting
- Add version information to site's footer by setting the general configuration option
. - Add shortcode
to allow external links, with icon support - metadata fixes
- ability to invert section coloring
What's Changed - autogenerated
- Update footer Design URL from to by @damonlynch in #11
- Fixes #12 by @metbril in #13
- Activate last section heading when approaching footer by @Sta7e in #21
- Adjust margin when activating sections by @sdelquin in #19
- move from font-awesome to fork-awesome by @Sta7e in #23
- Add both first and last classes when there is only one page by @kolbeck in #43
- Hosting jquery-1.11.3.min.js locally by @passw0rd123 in #47
- Deliver fonts locally by @passw0rd123 in #48
- Update jQuery to 3.6.0 by @nodeg in #64
- Fix invalid CSS syntax by @susnux in #94
- Add font-display: swap property to avoid invisible text by @TheLastGimbus in #79
- Add icon on defaul single view infront of back-to-homepage link by @susnux in #96
- external links - external links in main menu by @OliverObst in #99
- external links - extlink shortcode allow opening links in new browser tab by @zjedi in #101
- Optimize Theme with Assets Bundles and fixes missing lang attribute in HTML by @patrickfav in #81
- Remove unused icons font and styles, use font awesome instead by @susnux in #97
- Add safeHTML to blog-title by @githubmonkey in #65
- Create rawhtml.html by @githubmonkey in #66
- Use recommended style for fontawesom lists by @aelfric in #103
- stalebot configured to be less annoying, using dedicated label by @zjedi in #104
- documented external links usage by @zjedi in #105
- title_guard feature, color made more contrasting by @zjedi in #106
- Added logo image to header, just above the title by @mcvanderkooij in #73
- Tranferring repository ownership by @zjedi in #109
- Update config.toml by @vcutrona in #110
- safeHTML used for header, footer and content titles by @zjedi in #112
- Enable inverting homepage section styling by @nai888 in #113
- #41: Override button and menu item text by @kolbeck in #45
- #120 Update docs about plain HTML in footer by @ottlinger in #122
- Update footer.html to always open link to hugo-scroll in new window by @ottlinger in #121
- Correct external link to lead to project itself by @ottlinger in #125
- #126: Provide option to show GitInfo in footer by @ottlinger in #127
- Add ability to reference icons in external links by @ottlinger in #129
- #128: Introduce changelog and update recent changes by @ottlinger in #130
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #10
- @damonlynch made their first contribution in #11
- @metbril made their first contribution in #13
- @Sta7e made their first contribution in #21
- @sdelquin made their first contribution in #19
- @kolbeck made their first contribution in #43
- @passw0rd123 made their first contribution in #47
- @nodeg made their first contribution in #64
- @susnux made their first contribution in #94
- @TheLastGimbus made their first contribution in #79
- @OliverObst made their first contribution in #99
- @zjedi made their first contribution in #101
- @patrickfav made their first contribution in #81
- @githubmonkey made their first contribution in #65
- @aelfric made their first contribution in #103
- @mcvanderkooij made their first contribution in #73
- @vcutrona made their first contribution in #110
- @nai888 made their first contribution in #113
- @ottlinger made their first contribution in #122
Full Changelog: