Donkey Car OpenAI Gym
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
Download simulator binaries:
Install master version of gym donkey car:
pip install git+
A short and compact introduction for people who know gym environments, but want to understand this one. Simple example code:
import os
import gym
import gym_donkeycar
import numpy as np
# You can also launch the simulator separately
# in that case, you don't need to pass a `conf` object
exe_path = f"{PATH_TO_APP}/donkey_sim.exe"
port = 9091
conf = { "exe_path" : exe_path, "port" : port }
env = gym.make("donkey-generated-track-v0", conf=conf)
obs = env.reset()
for t in range(100):
action = np.array([0.0, 0.5]) # drive straight with small speed
# execute the action
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
# Exit the scene
or if you already launched the simulator:
import gym
import numpy as np
import gym_donkeycar
env = gym.make("donkey-warren-track-v0")
obs = env.reset()
for _ in range(100):
# drive straight with small speed
action = np.array([0.0, 0.5])
# execute the action
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# You can kill the program using ctrl+c
# Exit the scene
- see more examples:
A permissable action is a numpy array of length two with first steering
and throttle, respectively. E.g. np.array([0,1])
goes straight at full
speed, np.array([-5,1])
turns left etc.
Action Space: Box(2,)
Action names: ['steer', 'throttle']
What you receive back on step:
- obs: The image that the donkey is seeing (np.array shape (120,160,3))
- reward: a reward that combines game over, how far from center and speed (max=1, min approx -2)
- done: Boolean. Game over if cte > max_cte or hit != "none"
- info contains:
- cte: Cross track error (how far from center line)
- positions: x,y,z
- speed: positive forward, negative backward
- hit: 'none' if all is good.
- last_lap_time: time of last successful lap in seconds, 0.0 if there isn't one
Example info:
{'pos': (51.49209, 0.7399381, 117.3004),
'cte': -5.865292,
'speed': 9.319956,
'hit': 'none',
'last_lap_time': 34.93437361717224}
- "donkey-warehouse-v0"
- "donkey-generated-roads-v0"
- "donkey-avc-sparkfun-v0"
- "donkey-generated-track-v0"
- "donkey-roboracingleague-track-v0"
- "donkey-waveshare-v0"
- "donkey-minimonaco-track-v0"
- "donkey-warren-track-v0"
- "donkey-thunderhill-track-v0"
- "donkey-circuit-launch-track-v0"
We are using black codestyle (max line length of 127 characters) together with isort to sort the imports.
Please run make format
to reformat your code. You can check the codestyle using make check-codestyle
and make lint
Type checking with pytype
make type
Codestyle check with black
, isort
and ruff
make check-codestyle
make lint
To run pytype
, format
and lint
in one command:
make commit-checks
Build the documentation:
make docs
Original Source Code
Tawn Kramer -
Roma Sokolkov - cloned with permission from
Maxime Ellerbach -
Release Engineer Leigh Johnson:
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.