Backported fixes
- Bundle scala-cli in scala command #20351
- Avoid stacked thisCall contexts #20488
- Adapt the workflow to release on SDKMAN! #20535
- Adapt the release workflow to SIP-46 #20565
- Disable ClasspathTests.unglobClasspathVerifyTest #20551
- Set default source version to 3.5 #20441
- Bring back ambiguity filter when we report an implicit not found error #20368
- Treat 3.5-migration the same as 3.5 for a warning about implicit priority change #20436
- Avoid forcing whole package when using -experimental #20409
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible π
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 3.5.0-RC1..3.5.0-RC2
these are:
4 Hamza Remmal
4 Wojciech Mazur
3 Martin Odersky
1 Jamie Thompson
1 Guillaume Martres