Releases: rectorphp/rector
Releases · rectorphp/rector
Released Rector 2.0
Rector 2.0 is here 🥳
The main purpose of this release is performance improvements, thanks to modern dependencies:
- php-parser 4.x to 5.0
- PHPStan 1.x to 2.0
- and min PHP version 7.2 to 7.4 because of dependencies above
We've managed to fit in couple cool features: 5 New Features in Rector 2.0
For custom rules writers, see upgrading guide. The rest of upgrade is straighforward 🎉
To celebrate the upgrade, we're also modernized our logo! 🤩
New Features and Improvements 🎉
- Add "--only" option to process only a single rule (#6441), Thanks @cweiske!
- [DX] Add version-based set loading based on installed package version (#6428)
- [dx] enable polyfills by default when PHP is on, to make config simpler (#6433)
- [dx] enable all attributes, if none are selected to streamline config (#6451)
- feat: add the option to use the annotation value as an argument to the attribute (#6468), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- feat: add Behat annotations to attributes set (#6510), Thanks @carlos-granados!
Deprecated and Removed 💀
- [deprecation] Deprecate AbstractScopeAwareRector in favor of single AbstractRector (#6425)
- [deprecation] Deprecate MixedTypeRector, to avoid mixed type filled blindly, use type declaration set instead (#6434)
- [docs] getRuleDefinition() no longer required for custom rules (#6440)
- [deprecation] Remove deprecated
, cleanup deprecatedSetListInterface
(#6424) - [deprecated] Remove deprecated
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Php80] Returns null on no change on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector (#6418)
- [attributes] Make sure the target attribute class exists (#6454)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip test methods with exception in ReturnNeverTypeRector, [php74] Skip conditinal assign in RestoreDefaultNullToNullableTypePropertyRector as most likely desired to assign or fail (#6430)
- Support php-64bit as required in composer.json (#6432), Thanks @hans-thomas!
- [dx] Allow external rules without getRuleDefinition() to make them easier to write (#6438)
- [fix] class phpdoc generic method (#6439), Thanks @lammafish!
- Fix RemoveDoubleAssignRector in case of method call (#6442)
- Upgrade to PHPParser 5 and PHPStan 2 (#6431)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on return array constant on ExplicitReturnNullRector (#6458)
- [Php80] Handle crash single quoted doctrine on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#6459)
- [Php71] Skip already array destruct on ListToArrayDestructRector (#6460)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip mixed as on right of and on ParamTypeByMethodCallTypeRector (#6401)
- [Renaming] Fix space on union docblock during rename on RenameClassRector (#6463)
- [CodeQuality] Skip used by array callable on LocallyCalledStaticMethodToNonStaticRector (#6473)
- [CodeQuality] Skip compare nullable object on UseIdenticalOverEqualWithSameTypeRector (#6474)
- Use Type->getIterableValueType() over ArrayType-> getItemType() (#6479), Thanks @staabm!
- [DeadCode] Allow remove assign variable with next method call on RemoveDoubleAssignRector (#6443)
- [DeadCode] Handle InterpolatedStringPart crash on RemoveUnusedForeachKeyRector (#6457)
- [DeadCode] Skip used by get_object_vars() when implements JsonSerializable on RemoveUnusedPromotedPropertyRector (#6472)
- [DeadCode] Handle crash on valid conditional type on RemoveUselessReturnTagRector (#6475)
- Use Type->getIterableKeyType() over ArrayType->getKeyType() (#6480), Thanks @staabm!
- Update developing with docker: Fix php version to 8.2. (#6490), Thanks @uncaught!
- [Renaming] Handle docblock aliased rename on RenameClassR* [Php81] Allow not readonly property on API Platform api resource (#6531), Thanks @alexndlm!
ector (#6498) - [CodeQuality][Renaming] Handle DynamicDocBlockPropertyToNativePropertyRector+RenameClassRector with aliased name (#6506)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip with default value and assigned mixed on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6514)
- [Php80] Mirror comments on assign on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6516)
- [Php70] Handle parent method call on Php4ConstructorRector (#6519)
- [Php70] Do not replace if method call if method exists in current class on call same method with parent on Php4ConstructorRector (#6520)
- [PostRector] Keep first comment before first Use_ on UnusedImportRemovingPostRector (#6522)
- [Php81] Allow not readonly property on API Platform api resource (#6531), Thanks @alexndlm!
- [Php81] Skip by ref param on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6532)
- [Php70] Handle ArrayDimFetch on WrapVariableVariableNameInCurlyBracesRector (#6533)
- Fix fixture end
fixture on NestedAnnotationToAttributeRector (#6537) - [Php80] Handle mix quote single and double on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#6538)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on yield from on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6545)
- Fix str_contains() never returns 0 (#6546)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on unary minums on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6547)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on assign ref on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6551)
- [Attributes] Cover slash newline in AnnotationToAttributeRector with values (#6557)
- [TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector] Handle parse_url() native function with second arg on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6562)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle default value with contant type on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6563)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Handle namespaced function call name on NodeTypeResolver (#6564)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- Fill listener method name, based on kernel.x event name in EventListenerToEventSubscriberRectory (#694)
- [scoped] Fix scoped prefixed UrlGeneratorInterface on RedirectToRouteRector (#692)
- [DependencyInjection] Add
(#688) - [DependencyInjection] Add
(#687) - [DependencyInjection] Extract
to make migration smoother (#686) - [DependencyInjection] Extract
to make migration smoother (#685) - [Symfony 7.2] Add SetList (#684), Thanks @alamirault
- Upgrade deprecated ScopeAware to AbstractRector (#680)
- Fix twig 2.40 set to 2.4 (#678)
Released Rector 1.2.10
New Features 🥳
- [PHP8.3] add new rectors for get_class()/get_parent_class() without arguments (#6405), Thanks @cabbey!
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fix ClassDependencyManipulator to add dependency on right position (#6413)
- [Php81] Skip Doctrine Embeddable on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6411)
- [Privatization] Skip with parameter on PrivatizeLocalGetterToPropertyRector (#6412)
Removed 💀
- [DeadCode] Skip nullable @ template on RemoveUselessReturnTagRector (#6409)
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [PHPUnit 10] Skip with Magic __get() on AssertIssetToAssertObjectHasPropertyRector (#403)
- [CodeQuality] Add
(#402) - [CodeQuality] Add
(#401) - [CodeQuality] Skip used by trait and multiple props on NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#400)
- Skip property with default value in NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#398)
- [CodeQuality] Add
(#397) - Add count() support to
(#395) - Add enum/const fetch support to AssertEqualsToSameRector (#394)
- skip static property in NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#393)
Released Rector 1.2.9
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Strict] Using in_array() on CallLike instead of double call on Strict Rules (#6388)
- [CodeQuality] Handle If cond as assign on ExplicitBoolCompareRector (#6389)
- [CodeQuality] Skip append non empty array on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#6390)
- [Php80] Mirror return comment on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6394)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip union intersection types on php 8.1, allow on php 8.2+ (#6395)
- [Php80] Skip @template T as mixed on MixedTypeRector (#6399)
- [DeadCode] Check TemplateType instance check on Dead*TagValueNodeAnalyzer (#6400)
- [CodeQuality] Skip multiple lines on JoinStringConcatRector (#6404)
- [CodingStyle] Skip equal modifier on direct parent method compatible on MakeInheritedMethodVisibilitySameAsParentRector (#6406)
Removed 💀
- [DeadCode] Handle consecutive equal case stmts on RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector (#6392)
- [DeadCode] Handle handle consecutive equal with jump different case on RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector (#6393)
- [DeadCode] Skip @template tag on RemoveUselessVarTagRector (#6396)
- [DeadCode] Support multiple templates in RemoveUselessVarTagRector (#6402), Thanks @dragosprotung!
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- [CodeQuality] Skip Request param used by caller method on RemoveUnusedRequestParamRector (#675)
- Better note highlighting (#674), Thanks @OskarStark
- remove extra character (#673), Thanks @IndraGunawan
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [code-quality] Add NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#388)
- Add enum/const fetch support to AssertEqualsToSameRector (#394)
- Add count() support to AssertCompareOnCountableWithMethodToAssertCountRector (#395)
- [AnnotationsToAttribute] Skip not in test on AnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector (#387)
- Add ReplaceTestFunctionPrefixWithAttributeRector (#386), Thanks @blackwolf12333
Released Rector 1.2.8
Bugfixes 🐛
- [UnusedImport] Fix removing multiple uses (#6376), Thanks @jorgsowa!
- [PostRector] Clean up variables and conditional usage on UnusedImportRemovingPostRector (#6378)
- [PostRector] Reduce repetitive toString() on loop on UnusedImportRemovingPostRector (#6379)
- [CodeQuality] Skip no @ property doc on DynamicDocBlockPropertyToNativePropertyRector (#6380)
- [CodeQuality] Handle with other attributes on DynamicDocBlockPropertyToNativePropertyRector (#6381)
- [CodeQuality] Use existing PhpAttributeAnalyzer service instead of AttributeFinder from Doctrine package on DynamicDocBlockPropertyToNativePropertyRector (#6382)
- Fix duplicated register ContinueToBreakInSwitchRector in php52.php and php73.php (#6385)
- [AutoImport] Fix missing @ in deep annotation auto import (#6386)
- [DeadCode] Skip non FullyQualified property type on RemoveTypedPropertyNonMockDocblockRector (#6383)
New Features 🥳
Released Rector 1.2.7
New Features 🥳
- Apply AddOverrideAttributeToOverriddenMethodsRector to traits (#6367), Thanks @jrjohnson!
- [Transform] MethodCall to New (#6352), Thanks @peterfox!
- Add RemoveTypedPropertyNonMockDocblockRector (#6306)
- [DX] Add links to open the editor to the names of processed files and the names of rules applied (#6272), Thanks @carlos-granados!
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed --memory-limit=-1 option handling when used in parallel (#6349), Thanks @ddegasperi!
- [Php70] Fix delimiter in the middle on EregToPregMatchRector (#6356)
- [Php70] More delimiter case in the middle fix on EregToPregMatchRector (#6357)
- [Php80] Cast string/int for int vs string condition and case condition on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6359)
- [DeadCode] Skip from call with return docblock on ReduceAlwaysFalseIfOrRector (#6361)
- [TypeDeclaration] Closure Param Types from Iterator Source (#6345), Thanks @peterfox!
- [Privatization] Allow privatize protected promoted property on PrivatizeFinalClassPropertyRector (#6360)
- [DeadCode] Skip with Else and ElseIf on SimplifyIfNotNullReturnRector (#6365)
- [Php70] Handle empty branch crash on unprintable char \x0C on EregToPregMatchRector (#6368)
- [UnusedImport] Different letter case for classes + optimization (#6362), Thanks @jorgsowa!
- [CodeQuality] Skip else indirect return on SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector (#6371)
- [CodeQuality] Clean up else check on SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector (#6372)
- [TypeDeclaration] Fix deep nested array docblock with \ prefix on ReturnTypeFromStrictNewArrayRector (#6373)
- [EarlyReturn] Skip nested with OR in root if statement condition on ChangeNestedForeachIfsToEarlyContinueRector (#6375)
- [DeadCode] Skip RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector in middle assign (#6363)
Removed 💀
- [NodeAnalyzer] Remove ClassAnalyzer::isAnonymousClassName() (#6351)
- [NodeAnalyzer] Remove unused AstResolver on VariadicAnalyzer (#6353)
- [DeadCode] Clean up double private method filtering on RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector (#6364)
- [DeadCode] Skip union docblock param with is_object() native type check on RemoveAlwaysTrueIfConditionRector (#6370)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- [CodeQuality] Add AddTraitGetterReturnTypeBasedOnSetterRequiredRector (#671)
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [PHPUnit 10] Add ifs as default way for withConsecutive, as more readable and opens upgrade during PHPUnit 9 (#382)
- Use simple direct assert on consecutive in case of arrow function in callable (#381)
- Use more readable ifs on will return in WithConsecutiveRector (#380)
- add NarrowSingleWillReturnCallbackRector to code quality set (#379)
Released Rector 1.2.6
New Features 🥳
- [TypeDeclaration] Add isset(), empty(), and negation support on BoolReturnTypeFromBooleanStrictReturnsRector (#6339)
- [TypeDeclaration] Add NativeMethodReflection support on ReturnStrictTypeAnalyzer (#6344)
- [DX] Show paths not match any file/directory on ProcessCommand when given path not exists (#6307)
Bugfixes 🐛
- [TypeDeclaration] Convert inline @var tag to assert() (#6300), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- Fix incorrect result after using RemoveByType in PhpDocInfo (#6301), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip nullable callable on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6308)
- Fix LocallyCalledStaticMethodToNonStaticRector when static function is called using the class name (#6310), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- [Php81] Handle crash on ArrowFunction attribute on FirstClassCallableRector (#6313)
- [Performance] Reduce double traverse on StrictNativeFunctionReturnTypeAnalyzer (#6320)
- [PhpParser] Alternative PR for findInstancesOfScoped() to keep existing performance (#6324)
- [CodingStyle] Use double quote to escape quotes in EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector (#6326)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle crash on func call not found on BoolReturnTypeFromBooleanStrictReturnsRector (#6327)
- Fix first class callable to use combineAcceptors() to avoid assert Arg instance error (#6330)
- [Php81] Allow used as assign expr on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6331)
- Skip arrow function in scoped search (#6333)
- [TypeDeclaration] Better approach for native type check on ReturnStrictTypeAnalyzer (#6343)
- [DeadCode] Skip extension load append variable on RemoveAlwaysTrueIfConditionRector (#6332)
- [TypeDeclaration] Remove only void type on ReturnedNodesReturnTypeInfererTypeInferer (#6340)
- [DeadCode] Skip indirect next line definition of @var on RemoveNonExistingVarAnnotationRector (#6348)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [CodeQuality] Add NarrowSingleWillReturnCallbackRector (#374)
- [CodeQuality] Add SingleWithConsecutiveToWithRector (#370)
- [CodeQuality] Add NarrowIdenticalWithConsecutiveRector (#369)
- [CodeQuality] Add AddParentSetupCallOnSetupRector (#364)
- Include match() to invoke counting in WithConsecutiveRector (#362)
- Move WithConsecutiveRector to its PHPUnit100 namespace, CreateMockToAnonymousClassRector + PreferPHPUnitSelfCallRector to CodeQuality (#360)
- Add existing willReturnCallback() support to WithConsecutiveRector (#358)
Released Rector 1.2.5
New Features and Improvements 🥳
- 20-30 % Rector speedup - Optimise checking the node types allowed for each rule (#6232), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- [docs] Add help on the default process command (#6226), Thanks @94noni!
- [TypeDeclaration] Adds
(#6258) - Adds
(#6265), Thanks @peterfox! - [Config] Improve ComposerJsonPhpVersionResolver API, make use of explicit php set files (#6273)
- [FileSystem] Add data and writable to not include on InitFilePathsResolver (#6285)
- always make paths absolute before processing files (#6293), Thanks @Kanti!
Bugfixes 🐛
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on first class callable inside match on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6263)
- [ReturnTypeInferer] Drop this/static docblock type check on ReturnTypeInferer (#6270)
Removed 💀
- [deprecated] Remove deprecated ChangeAndIfToEarlyReturnRector, CallableThisArrayToAnonymousFunctionRector + casting rules (#6276)
- [deprecations] Remove deprecated GetClassToInstanceOfRector, UseIncrementAssignRector, DetectNodeCommand (#6278)
- [deprecated] Remove deprecated closure return rules, return type from strict bool/scalar returns (#6287)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- Add Class_ annotation support to TemplateAnnotationToThisRenderRector (#666)
rectorphp/rector-doctrine 🟠
- Refactor the OrderByKeyToClassConstRector to use the new enum only in
method calls (#336), Thanks @julienfastre
Released Rector 1.2.4
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fix PropertyTypeFromStrictSetterGetterRector for default null (#6231)
- [Php70] Fix with \r\n on EregToPregMatchRector (#6246)
- Optimise post rectors (#6240), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- [Php84] Do not reprint node type on ExplicitNullableParamTypeRector (#6250)
- Skip Doctrine collections in TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6253)
- Skip Columns from TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector, as handled better in doctrine rules (#6254)
- [AutoImport] Do not add cast on valid Integer type on Name Node on auto import enabled (#6236)
- [AutoImport] Do not add cast on valid Integer type on aliased Name Node on auto import enabled (#6237)
- [Performance] Cache should traverse for AddUseStatementGuard (#6234)
New Features 🥳
- Adds the
rule (#6195), Thanks @peterfox! - [TypeDeclaration] Add
(#6233) - [TypeDeclaration] Add
Deprecated 💀
- Deprecate
, as adds public blindly everywhere; use scope-based approach instead (#6238)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- [Symfony 6.1] Skip abstract class on CommandConfigureToAttributeRector (#662)
- [CodeQuality] skip array + non native response return on ResponseReturnTypeControllerActionRector (#661)
- [CodeQuality] Skip posible return array + response on ResponseReturnTypeControllerActionRector (#660)
- Do not convert to array Process->setInput() (#647), Thanks @refsz
rectorphp/rector-doctrine 🟠
- [CodeQuality] Skip blob type on TypedPropertyFromColumnTypeRector (#340)
- Fix attribute support in ImproveDoctrineCollectionDocTypeInEntityRector (#339)
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🔵
- [PHPUnit100] Fix typo in AssertIssetToAssertObjectHasPropertyRector (#356), Thanks @haydulski
- [Prefix] Fix Prefixed PHPUnit Ticket class (#355)
- [CodeQuality] Assert compare on countable (#353), Thanks @peterfox
Released Rector 1.2.3
New Features 🥳
- Add withRealPathReporting() to allow real paths in output formatters (#6187), Thanks @llaville!
- Add known type casting to AnnotationToAttributeRector (#6217)
- Improve Carbon use parse method (#6183), Thanks @florisbosch!
Bugfixes 🐛
- Only import docblock if import name enabled on PostFileProcessor (#6185)
- fix issue #8755 about wrong systemError location (#6184), Thanks @llaville!
- Support more assign cases in PropertyFetchAssignManipulator (#6192), Thanks @andersonamuller!
- Skip Symfony Response in ReturnTypeFromReturnNewRector (#6202)
- Skip only response inside controller class (#6204)
- [Php54] No need reprint when array is just created on LongArrayToShortArrayRector (#6206)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle crash on nullable intersection on ClosureReturnTypeRector (#6213)
- [Php71] Allow multiple same catches on MultiExceptionCatchRector (#6218)
- [CodeQuality] Skip Generator on SimplifyForeachToCoalescingRector (#6221)
- [CodeQuality] Ensure check native array type on Foreach* rules (#6222)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip isset and empty with index on param variable on StrictArrayParamDimFetchRector (#6227)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip mixed in union on ClosureReturnTypeRector (#6228)
Removed 💀
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- Add the Symfony 7.0 set to SymfonySetList.php (#659), Thanks @pbowyer
- [Config] Add ParameterBagToAutowireAttributeRector (#654)
- add void fixture (#653)
- [CodeQuality] Remove no returns check on ResponseReturnTypeControllerActionRector (#652)
- Add new Response() support to ResponseReturnTypeControllerActionRector (#651)
- [Configs] Add MergeServiceNameTypeRector (#650)
- Deprecate ServicesSetNameToSetTypeRector as it creates invalid code (#649)
rectorphp/rector-doctrine 🟠
- Add ODM support to TypedPropertyFromToManyRelationTypeRector (#335)
- Add next fixture (#334)
- Include ODM in description (#333)
- Add TYPED_COLLECTIONS set, to have rules deadling with collections together (#332)
- Merge AddReturnDocBlockToCollectionPropertyGetterByToManyAttributeRector to single rule (#331)
- Add odm support to AddReturnDocBlockToCollectionPropertyGetterByToManyAnnotationRector (#330)
- Add ODM support to ExplicitRelationCollectionRector (#329)
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🔵
Released Rector 1.2.2
New Features 🥳
- [TypeDeclaration] Add ReturnTypeFromMockObjectRector (#6166)
- [TypeDeclaration] Add TypedPropertyFromCreateMockAssignRector (#6177)
Bugfixes 🐛
- Skip phpdoc types in NumericReturnTypeFromStrictReturnsRector (#6153), Thanks @staabm!
- [TypeDeclaration] Fix union type by multiple method calls on ParamTypeByMethodCallTypeRector (#6155)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle throw without new on on ParamTypeByMethodCallTypeRector (#6156)
- [TypeDeclaration] Refactor CallerParamMatcher to avoid ambigous returns usage (#6157)
- [TypeDeclaration] Prevent uncaught exception in ReturnTypeFromReturnNewRector (#6159), Thanks @staabm!
- Prevent uncaught class-not-found exceptions (#6160), Thanks @staabm!
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip variadic on StrictArrayParamDimFetchRector (#6163)
- [CodeQuality] Skip used in next stmt on UnusedForeachValueToArrayKeysRector (#6164)
- [Scoper] Fix prefixed MockObject on ReturnTypeFromMockObjectRector (#6167)
- [TypeDeclaration] Flip position between bool return and return tyep from strict constant on TypeDeclarationLevel (#6168)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip possible void and return by docblock on ReturnTypeFromMockObjectRector (#6170)
- [TypeDeclaration] Update fixture and example method name (#6171)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Handle crash on variable variable with assign on FirstClassCallableRector (#6173)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Clean up re-fill scope on PHPStanNodeScopeResolver on variable variable (#6174)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Fill scope of dynamic variable variable (#6175)
- fix: Convert DateTime to Carbon properly when hours/minutes/seconds are used (#6176), Thanks @florisbosch!