Scripts in this repository have been used to assemble de novo transcriptomes and genomes
Cite as: Jennifer Shelton. (2015). transcriptome-and-genome-assembly: transcriptome-and-genome-assembly Version 1.0.0. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.17588 - The script writes scripts and qsubs to assemble illumina paired end reads into a de novo genome. The script 1) converts illumina headers if the "-c" parameter is used, 2) cleans and deduplicates raw reads using Prinseq, 3) reads are the assembled multiple times with a range of values of k, 4) finally assembly metrics are generated for all assemblies and read length and number are summarized before and after cleaning.
For examples and parameter details run "perl -man" or visit For other NGS Beocat Pipelines visit - The script writes scripts and qsubs to assemble illumina paired end reads into a de novo transcriptome. The script 1) converts illumina headers if the "-c" parameter is used, 2) cleans and deduplicates raw reads using Prinseq, 3) index the reference genome for mapping, 4) reads are the assembled multiple times with a range of values of k, 5) these assemblies are merged with Oases using a merge kmer value, 6) then the merged assembly is clusted with CDHit to take the longest of similar putative transcripts, 7) finally assembly metrics are generated for all assemblies and read length and number are summarized before and after cleaning.
For examples and parameter details run "perl -man" or visit For other NGS Beocat Pipelines visit - This script takes the full path for the input data (e.g. reads) and makes output directories and scripts with rational names. For example, the current "call program" section assumes one input file ends in "_single.fastq" and one in "_paired.fastq" and creates directories based on the name of the data and the parameter. The script can also find a file extension in the argument you pass to it, this is stored as the ${ext} variable. Change lines 36 to 41 to call your program.
USAGE: [base_filename_for_reads] - This script calls Trinity to assemble with a single k-mer. After read cleaning broken pairs can be loaded as (now single end reads) as "--single".
USAGE: bash - This script runs an installation of ABySS-1.3.4 on beocat. Step 1 is the assembly of multiple single k-mer assemblies. Step 2 is the merging of these single k-mer assemblies by running ABySS on reads and the unitigs from the multi-kmer assemblies. Step 3 writes a script to calculate N25,N50,N75, cumulative scaffold length, number of scaffolds for all assemblies.
USAGE: perl - Runs Mira 3.4 for 454 data alone. If reads have been cleaned than the trace .xml file extracted from the .sff file will be missing so the parameters in this script are set with mxti=no to reflect the lack of xml trace files.
USAGE: bash - This script will write single k-mer transcriptome assembly scripts and a list of qsubs that can be used to call them on beocat. Comment out line 10 if your sequences are already shuffled. After read cleaning I load my broken pairs (now single end reads) as "-short" and pairs as "-shortPaired". The script calculates memory request for each assembly as "Ram required for velvetg = -109635 + 18977ReadSize + 86326GenomeSize + 233353NumReads - 51092K" which is taken from You should change the ReadSize, GenomeSize, and NumReads to reflect your data.
USAGE: bash - This script calls velvet and oases to merge many single k-mer assemblies (see
USAGE: qsub -l h_rt=100:00:00,mem=100G - see