"4 days til the end" is my submission for the Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2, following the theme "calm before the storm"
The story follows Miles, a young man with precognition powers who has predicted that in 4 days, a storm will arrive, destroying the whole city he lives in. He however, is unable to stop it due to the potential consequences if someone were to find out about his abilities. This hopeless thought gets stopped by a cat, who's owner turns out to be a cheerful naive girl named Petra. Miles, knowing the truth about the storms is also aware that pets do not escape with their owners. Her love for her cat leaves him feeling a sense of guilt, making him rethink his hopelessness. Can he guide her to make the right decisions in order to be able to bring her cat with her?
Download the file from itch.io, extract it and run "4-days-til-the-end.exe"
Download the file from itch.io, extract it and run "4-days-til-the-end.x86_64"
There is currently no MacOS version of the game, however, it may come later on.
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The Dialogic plugin was used in this project. The plugin itself uses a different license (Dialogic uses MIT) than the rest of the project.
The code of this project (located in /scripts) is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0
It can be modified and redistributed as long as the source code is made available with all the changes made.
For more information, visit GNU GPL v3.0
All art assets of this project are licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
It cannot be redistributed after being modified and cannot be redistributed commercially. Additionally, all redistributions must give appropriate credit to the original creator.
For more information, visit CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
All of the music and sounds effects used in this project have been sourced from royalty free sources and were not created by the project's creator. For more information, check out the Credits.txt file