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Releases: ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine


03 Oct 12:28
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Bug fixes

  • model.Range will now be correctly transformed if it was at the end of a split element. Instead of sticking to the old element, it will be moved to the end of the new element. Closes #1142. (1be7ed1)
  • Fixed a bug in Range#getTransformedByDelta() that caused editor to crash after some MergeDeltas were transformed. Closes #1132. (97a4f4b)
  • Fixed a bug when a block quote could not be applied to an empty paragraph with a basic style (bold, etc.) active in it. Closes #1127. (6d33b9f)
  • Fixed a bug when editor crashed during MergeDelta transformation in a specific case. Closes #1103. (ef1b07e)
  • Spaces inside <code> will be rendered in a normal way (previously DomConverter tried to treat <code> like a preformatted block which is not what HTML needs). Closes #1126. (88630b7)
  • Fixed a bug when undo did no changes instead of merging elements, in a scenario when an element was split and then the "new" element was removed. See (60024c0)
  • View and model nodes will now be removed from their old parents when they are added to a new parent to prevent having same node on multiple elements' children lists. Closes #1139. (dec9c28)


  • Introduced model.DocumentSelection#hasOwnRange property. Closes #1137. (4feb678)
  • Introduced Schema#removeDisallowedAttributes() method to filter out disallowed attributes from given nodes. Closes #1120. (d776c71)


  • View and model nodes are now automatically removed from their old parents when they are inserted into new elements. This is important e.g. if you iterate through element's children and they are moved during that iteration. In that case, it's safest to cache the element's children in an array.


03 Sep 18:22
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Bug fixes

  • [Firefox] Prevented setting incorrect initial selection when placeholder was clicked. See ckeditor/ckeditor5#469. (34498a8)

  • AttributeElements created by selection conversion were not merged with AttributeElements created by markers conversion. Closes #1117. (e6c5bcf)

  • DataController#insertContent() and DataController#deleteContent() should strip disallowed attributes from text nodes. Closes #1088. (df83343)

  • DomConverter should actively prevent unwanted scrolling on focus. Closes #951. Closes #707. Closes #706. (cb18a95)

  • LiveSelection will correctly set its properties in case of a non-collapsed default range. This will fix loading data which starts with an object element. Closes #699. (e6e92e9)

  • LiveSelection will not read attributes from object element's children. Closes #986. (93639d0)

  • MarkerDelta transformation should no longer cause editor to crash, if a MarkerOperation had null as it's oldRange or newRange. Closes #943. (d328811)

  • model.Element#getNodeByPath() and model.DocumentFragment#getNodeByPath() should work with offsets not indexes (because path is an array of offsets). Closes #1009. (331d2f4)

  • Schema.checkAttributeInSelection should use element's existing attributes when querying schema. Closes #1110. (25ef1a8)

  • view.Range#getTrimmed() was returning incorrect ranges in some cases. Fixes #1058. (d99c568)

  • AttributeElement with bogus <br /> will now be placed after all UI elements which will fix how those elements are rendered. Closes #1072. (43b6ea9)

  • Editor will no longer crash when ReinsertOperation is transformed by a specific RemoveOperation. Closes #946. (6875eff)

  • Fixed a bug when SplitDelta transformation might cause undo to throw an error in some cases. Closes #1084. (cb9d409)

  • Fixed incorrect markers transformations and conversions. Closes #1112. Closes #1080. Closes #1079. (b71adfb)

  • Multiple spaces in an empty paragraph are now allowed. Closes ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing#101. (9ca61d5)

  • Mutation observer will ignore children mutations if as a result of several native mutations the element's children haven't changed. Closes #1031. (552198e)

  • None of the editable's ancestors should scroll when the DomConverter focuses an editable. Closes #957. (e3bc4d1)

  • Placeholder text now will not be hidden if the element has only ui elements. Closes #1018. (299628b)

  • Prevent unbinding elements that are reused during rendering. Closes #922. (88fcdcb)

  • Prevented editor throwing during SplitDelta x RemoveDelta transformation when SplitDelta's first operation was neither InsertOperation nor ReinsertOperation. Closes #1065. (85e38e1)

  • Fixed remove model-to-view converter for some edge cases. Closes #1068.

  • Singular white spaces (new lines, tabs and carriage returns) will be ignored when loading data when used outside/between block elements. Closes #822. (4c9a0af)

    Also, the range of characters which are being normalized during DOM to view conversion was reduced to [ \n\t\r] to avoid losing space characters (which matches /\s/) that could be significant.

  • Splitting paragraph twice in the same position will now be undoable. Also fixed SplitDelta x SplitDelta transformation. Closes #1096. Closes #1097. (b7cc243)

  • Writer will create a consistent hierarchy for attribute elements with same priorities. Introduced viewElement.getIdentity() method. Closes #1060. (85c96ef)

  • Selection attributes should be cleared in an enqueueChanges() block. Fixed also a bug concerning AttributeDelta x SplitDelta transformation. Closes #1055. (ed1b7e7)

  • Fixed a bug when additional list item has been created when undoing applying block quote to a list followed by splitting list item in that list. Closes #1053. (a6c6167)

  • Fixed a bug when renaming followed by merge or split resulted in multiple elements being incorrectly renamed during undo. Closes #1051. (033e850)

  • If a new position of DocumentSelection cannot be calculated after the content in which the selection was located was removed from the document, the position of the selection should use the "default selection" so it does not end up in disallowed places. Closes #1046. (9f7e0a2)

  • Block filler was rendered before UI elements, interfering with their positioning. Now it will be properly rendered at the end of an element. Closes #1021. (7c014f7)

  • Live ranges and markers, that are at the end of an element, are now correctly transformed when they are split. Closes #1006. (690f32c)


  • DataController#deleteContent() will leave a paragraph if the entire content was selected. Closes #1012. (17e70c3)

    On the occasion $root element has been marked as a limit element in Schema in order to simplify the checks.

  • model.LiveRange#event:change got renamed to change:range. Introduced model.LiveRange#event:change:content. Closes #1089. (ec22a29)

  • model.LiveRange#event:change now contains data.batch instance which changed the range. Closes #1076. (c6f5e9f)

  • Enhanced Selection#setTo(), introduced Selection#setIn(), Selection#setOn(), Range.createCollapsedAt() and renamed few existing Selection methods for both model and view. Closes #1074. (070c313)

  • Hide the caret when the editor is read-only. EditingControler is observable from now. Observable property isReadOnly was added to the ViewDocument and EditingController. Closes #1024. Closes ckeditor/ckeditor5#503. (e8fd17d)

  • Highlights on t...

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07 May 21:45
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Bug fixes

  • DomConverter#domToView() will not throw when converting a comment. Closes #647. (ffc41d4)

  • ViewConverterBuilder#fromAttribute() should not create incorrect matcher object for Matcher if passed attribute was other than class or style. Closes #919. (6701c4b)

    Minor upgrades to ViewConversionBuilder:

    • converters from ViewConversionBuilder will not convert if "creator function" returned null.
    • simplified view converters building by making ViewConversionBuilder#toAttribute() value param optional. If not set, the attribute value is taken from converted view element.
  • Improved compatibility with MS Edge. See #923. Closes #925. (1af4a50)

  • Improved performance of the view.Element's inline styles parser. Big property values (like base64 encoded images) should not crash the editor anymore. Closes #881. (3d494a3)

  • Removed invalid promise catches from dev-utils.DeltaReplayer. Closes #906. (69cfdd1)

  • Unified values returned in data.output during view-to-model conversion. See breaking changes. Closes #932. (16ae05a)


  • Allow passing ranges to the selection constructors (in the model and in the view). Closes #600. (da8a609)
  • Events fired by model.MarkerCollection will now include marker name after semicolon. Closes #911. (3a8ebed)

Other changes

  • model.Element#clone() now does not clone children when passed false and recursively clones children when passed true. Closes #689. (ccb0659)


  • ViewConversionDispatcher#convert() will always return model.DocumentFragment (which may be empty in various cases). conversionApi#convertItem() will log a warning if data.output contains a different value than model.Node or model.DocumentFragment or null. conversionApi#convertChildren() will always return model.DocumentFragment.
  • model.Element#clone() does not clone children when not in the deep mode. See #689.


05 Apr 17:05
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Bug fixes

  • Changed DataController#insertContent() behavior, so it doesn't clone given nodes. Closes #869. (45f0f33)

  • Empty AttributeDelta should not be added to batch. Closes #875. (425399b)

  • Fixed a bug where LiveRange position would be lost when using wrap and unwrap deltas. Closes #841. (efe3987)

  • Fixed various issues with the move and unwrap deltas conversion. Closes #847. (39c34a5)

  • Live ranges, selections and markers no longer lose content when using the move delta. Closes #877. (e08b019)

    The base algorithm implemented in Range#_getTransformedByDocumentChange() will now include all model items between the old and new range boundary. See for more details.

  • Mutations inserting bogus <br> at the end of the block element are filtered out by the mutation observer. Closes #882. (3583cae)

  • Renderer should not change the native selection if the one it's about to render is visually similar to the current one. Closes #887. Closes #880. (d8ee5fa)

  • Renderer will unbind DOM elements from view elements when removing them from DOM. Closes #888. (86ea5b5)

  • Reversed ReinsertOperation targets back to same graveyard holder from which the nodes were re-inserted. Closes #891. (ea6c881)

  • View document is now re-rendered after focusing. Closes #795. (115a91b)

  • Renderer will deeply unbind DOM elements when they are removed from DOM. Closes #888. (0aec182)


  • DataController#insertContent() now accepts also model items. Closes #870. (d00c973)
  • Added placeholder utility that can be applied to view elements. Closes #857. (79b42da)
  • Introduced dev-utils.DeltaReplayer. Introduced new logging methods in dev-utils.enableEngineDebug(). Closes #828. (eb855d9)
  • Introduced markers serialization. Closes #787. Closes #846. (2e7f75d)

Other changes

  • Changed the behavior of DataController#deleteContent() in a case of nested elements to better match situations like using Backspace after a block quotation. Closes #710. (42a4429)
  • Default conversion.Mapper position mapping algorithms are now added as callbacks with low priority and are fired only if earlier callbacks did not provide a result. Closes #884. (5627993)
  • Simplified SelectionObserver's infinite loop check which should improve its stability. Closes #889. (8b859fb)


  • Since the default position mapping algorithms are attached with low priority, custom position mapping callbacks added with higher priority won't receive position calculated by default algorithms in data. To execute default position mapping algorithms and use their value, hook custom callback with lower priority.
  • BuildModelConverter#fromMarkerCollapsed() is removed. Use BuildModelConverter#fromMarker() instead.


  • The insertUIElement() model to view converter now supports collapsed and non-collapsed ranges.


06 Mar 16:51
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Bug fixes

  • view.Matcher#getElementName() now returns proper value when named function is used as a pattern. Closes #850. (93f41c5)
  • Collapsed model.Range no longer sticks to its neighbour node when that node is moved. Closes #852. (ccd23d1)
  • Default remove() converter no longer removes view.UIElements that are next to removed nodes. Closes #854. (c054ded)
  • dev-utils/model#setData() should work with custom roots. Closes #815. (0ad3074)
  • You can now return null from the element creators in converters for selection attributes and markers. It does not crash the conversion anymore. Closes #833. (8ffa038)


  • Integrated Schema#limits with DataController's methods. Closes #818. (e3c3e33)
  • Introduced is() method in model and view tree nodes and document fragments. Closes #809. (1525bde)
  • Introduced model.Selection#getSelectedBlocks(). Closes #811. (9f3f35f)
  • Introduced Schema#limits map. See #818. (a66bcdd)
  • Introduced view.Document#selectionChangeDone event. Closes #791. (3a15236)
  • Introduced view.Range#getEnlarged(), view.Range#getTrimmed(), view.Position#getLastMatchingPosition(), model.Position#getLastMatchingPosition(), view.TreeWalker#skip(), model.TreeWalker#skip(). Closes #789. (973f2ba)
  • Introduced view.UIElement class and view.writer.clear() method. Closes #788. (64be1f6)
  • Introduced debugging tools for the engine. Closes #808. (7b56e4a)
  • Introduced converters from model markers to view.UIElement. Closes #792. (1731e69)

Other changes

  • ModelConversionDispatcher now uses remove + insert events to convert move and rename changes, instead of dedicated move and rename events. Closes #837. (f63657c)
  • view.Range.enlarge() and view.Range.shrink() should not pass the container limit because the view.Writer expects that the whole range is in the same container. Closes #830. (8d4a1ca)


  • ModelConversionDispatcher no longer fires move and rename events. This means that feature converters added as callbacks to those should be replaced by remove and insert converters.
  • Removed view.DocumentFragment#getAncestors(). Closes #803. Closes #805.
  • Position.getAncestors() should return elements in the same order as Node.getAncestors().


  • It is advised to use either Range#getTrimmed() or Range#getEnlarged() before operating on a range returned from Mapper.

v0.1.0 – first demo-able version (2016-07-08)

08 Jul 15:19
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