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Common Problems

Julia-Alexandrova edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 1 revision


The issue: the Maven plugin passes an argument like "-Dmaven.repo.local=C:/Users/AgentUser/.m2/repository" (if "Use own local artifact repository" is unchecked), thus maven repository directory might be not accessible for the RunAsUser Windows account.

Perform at least one of the following required actions:

  • Manually grant the read/write access to the RunAsUser to the directory for Maven repository and all the nested directories of the AgentUser. For example: "C:/Users/AgentUser/.m2".
  • Select the "Use own local artifact repository" option in the TeamCity Maven plugin.
  • Use RunAsUser with elevated administrative privileges.


The issue: the directory gradle's repository might be not accessible for the RunAsUser Windows account.

Perform at least one of the following required actions:

  • Manually grant the read/write access to the RunAsUser to the directory for Gradle repository and all the nested directories of the AgentUser. For example: "C:/Users/AgentUser/.gradle".
  • Specify "Additional Gradle command line parameters:" by path to your directory of Gradle repository, for example -g c:\.gradle see this page for details.
  • Use RunAsUser with elevated administrative privileges.
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