Python library to manipulate goldsrc engine .map files
Load map:
import goldsrcmap as gsm
# Load .map file
m = gsm.load_map('Mapping/maps/')
for entity in m.entities:
if entity.classname == 'func_door': # classname @property
for brush in entity.brushes:
if['classname'] == 'func_wall': # using properties attribute
for brush in entity: # alternative syntax without using brushes @property
brush.move_by(256, 256, 64)
if entity['classname'] == 'func_plat': # without using properties attribute
for brush in entity:
brush.move_to(32,32,256, centroid=True)
# more logic here
# Save the edited map in /Scripting/ folder
gsm.save_map(m, '')
Create from scratch:
import goldsrcmap as gsm
m = gsm.new_map()
# Edit worldspawn properties['wad'] = 'path/to/zhlt.wad; path/to/other.wad' # get worldspawn entity directly with @property
m.worldspawn['skyname'] = 'nebula' # alternative way to add entity property without using properties attribute
# Create brushes
skybox_room =, 2048, 2048, 16, [0,0,0], center=True)
floor = gsm.BrushGenerator.cuboid(512, 512, 32, [0,0,-128], texture="grass")
# Create entities
player = gsm.EntityGenerator.info_player_start([0,0,0])
light = gsm.EntityGenerator.light_environment([0,0,1024], angle=180, pitch=-70)
# append brush and entities in map
m.add_brush(skybox_room, floor) # adding individually or as a list also works add_brush([skybox_room, floor])
m.add_entity(player, light) # same here
button = Entity()
button.add_brush(gsm.BrushGenerator.cuboid(16, 16, 48, [82,82,0], texture="black")) = {
# Save the new map in cstrike
gsm.save_map(m, 'cstrike/maps/')