Bug fix release for saving format, aspect ratio and more detailed logs
Classifai 1.1.1
29 January 2021
Critical Fixes:
Annotation output for bounding box projects changed to correspond to image name (#277)
The extension format of image, which previously concatenated into the annotation output of YOLO and Pascal VOC formats, is removed.Example
With image 1.jpg, the annotation output is 1.xml (Prior to fix: 1_jpg.xml)
With image sample.jpg, the annotation output is sample.txt (Prior to fix: sample_jpg.txt)
Other Fixes:
JPEG aspect ratio fix (#252)
Previously, some jpeg files contain EXIF orientation does not show the correct aspect ratio.
This is fixed in the current patch release. -
JPEG timeout fix (#280)
Loading images with large size for bounding box or segmentation projects has previously resulted in timeout error.
This problem has been solved. -
Enabling of detailed log messages if paths of images not found (#283)
When images previously imported could not be found in the system paths, the project will omit these images without causing any error. To give end users a better idea which images are missing, paths of images which cannot be found will be listed out in the log messages now.