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This repo leverages a semi-mechanistic renewal approach to jointly fit COVID-19 hospital admissions data in the US and viral concentrations in wastewater to forecast hospital admissions. This codebase was used to produce forecasts for the 2023-2024 season, both in real-time and retrospectively. We are currently developing an R package called wwinference that uses the model developed here and wraps it in a user-friendly interface. We plan on using this package to produce regular forecasts and evaluate retrospective forecast performance. To try out running this model on your own data, we encourage you to check out that R package and codebase.

See our Model Definition page for a mathematical description of the generative model, and the example vignette to run the inference and forecasting on the simulated data provided. In brief, our model builds upon EpiNow2, a widely used R and Stan package for Bayesian epidemiological inference. We modify EpiNow2 to add model for the observed viral RNA concentration in wastewater.

This README is organized into the following sections:

Our workflow for Covid-19 Forecast Hub submissions

Update on Covid-19 Forecast Hub Submissions

As of May 2024, the COVID-19 Forecast Hub has paused submission of forecasts. We plan to resume submitting wastewater-informed forecasts to the Hub when it reopens submissions.

To produce our submissions to the Covid-19 Forecast Hub, we run a forecasting pipeline every Saturday evening at 9:10 pm EST. In addition to pulling the latest data and using it to fit our inference models, the pipeline generates summary figures, produces a diagnostic report of Markov Chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostics, and performs data quality checks on the wastewater data. We examine these outputs manually to check for data or model convergence issues.

We produce forecasts of COVID-19 hospital admissions for the 50 states, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia (DC), and the United States. Most forecasts use both wastewater data and hospital admission data, but if a location does not have any wastewater data, the wastewater input data for the model are deemed unreliable, or the model fails to converge, we use the hospital admissions-only model instead. If that model is also unreliable, we do not submit a forecast for that location. In all cases, we record our choice and the reason for it in a run-specific metadata.yaml file, as follows:

  • "States without wastewater data": No wastewater data from the past 90 days were available for these locations, so we necessarily used the hospital admissions-only model for them.
  • "States we chose to use hospital admissions only model on": We detected anomalies in reported wastewater values for these locations, or the wastewater model fits for these locations did not pass checks for reliability, so we chose to use the hospital admissions-only model for them.
  • "States with insufficient wastewater data": We used the wastewater-informed model for these locations, but the actual wastewater data available for them was likely too sparse to meaningfully inform the forecast.
  • "States not forecasted": Both the wastewater-informed and the hospital admissions-only models had issues for these locations, so we did not submit forecasts for them.

Individual archived forecasts and their corresponding metadata.yaml files can be found in datestamped subdirectories of the output/forecasts directory, e.g. output/forecasts/2024-02-05.

Model input data

We store all data and configuration for the model in the input folder.

Hospitalization data

For real-time production, we pull hospitalization data from the NHSN public dataset and then is stored locally once it is ingested. For retrospective evaluation on time-stamped data sets, we use the covidcast R package.

Wastewater data

We use the NWSS API on the DCIPHER platform (non-public data, requires permission from NWSS to access) to obtain wastewater data at the facility level.

Data access and API keys

To interact with covidcast,, or DCIPHER/NWSS, we use API keys. covidcast and are public; anyone can request an API key. One must complete a data use agreement to access raw wastewater data from NWSS; see the NWSS website for details.

Our data pipeline expects users to store these API keys in a local secrets.yaml file. See instructions below for setting up your secrets.yaml file in a format the pipeline can parse.

Data file structure

The data (both inputs and outputs) are currently loaded in either from within the input folder as shown below or directly from the APIs (described above). This folder also contains a file with state-level population data (locations.csv) used by the pipeline.

Model outputs are written to individual folders after each model is run, and the file path to access those model outputs are returned as an output to the targets pipeline, to be used for downstream analysis and plotting. Alongside each pipeline run is a model metadata .txt file formatted for the COVID-19 Forecast Hub submission, which can be found in the folder forecasts.

    +-- ww_data
        +-- nwss_data
            +-- {date_of_data_pull}.csv
    +-- hosp_data
        +-- vintage_datasets
            +-- {date_of_data_pull}.csv
    +-- config
            +-- config-{model_type}-{run_id}.yaml
        +-- generation_interval.csv
        +-- inf_to_hosp.csv
        +-- {forecast_date}
		+-- {model_type}
                    +-- train_data.csv
+-- output
 +-- forecasts
            +-- {forecast_date}
		+-- {forecast_date}.tsv
		+-- metadata.yaml
		+-- wastewater_metdata_table.tsv
+-- {forecast_date}
	+-- run-on-{date_of_run}-{run_id}
    		+-- raw
			+-- {individual_state}
				+-- {model_type}
                    			+-- draws.parquet
					+-- quantiles.parquet
					+-- parameters.parquet
					+-- future_hosp_draws.parquet
					+-- diagnostics.csv
					+-- stan_objects
						+-- {model_name}-{timestamp}-{chain}.csv
    		+-- figures
                	+--{individual state}
                    		+-- individual plots of generated quantities + data for all models
    		+-- cleaned
			+-- external
					+-- {forecast_date}-cfa-wwrenewal.csv
					+-- pdf of hub submissions
					+-- {forecast_date}-cfa-wwrenewal_hosp_only.csv
					+-- pdf of what we would have submitted to hub had we submitted all hosp_only model
					+-- {forecast_date}-cfa-wwrenewal_all_ww.csv
					+-- pdf of what we would have submitted to hub had we submitted wastewater model in all cases
            		+-- internal
                		+-- diagnostic_report.html
				+-- pdfs of combined quantiles forecasts, hospital admissions forecasts for mult models, wastewater estimates, R(t), etc.
			+-- {submitted/test}_forecasts
				+-- {forecast_date}-cfa-wwrenewal.csv
			+-- all_wastewater_submission
				+-- test_forecasts
			+-- hospital_admissions_only_submission
				+-- test_forecasts
  		 +-- pipeline_run_metadata
        		+-- {test/prod}
                   		 +-- {run_id}.yaml

Forecasting pipeline

We use a pipeline to pull data, process it, fit models, and generate forecasts formatted for submission to the COVID-19 Forecast Hub. The _targets.R script in the project root directory defines the pipeline via the targets R package.

The pipeline does the following, in order:

  1. Pulls the latest wastewater and hospital admissions data from NWSS and NHSN, respectively
  2. Formats the data properly for ingestion by our Stan models.
  3. Fits Bayesian renewal models to those data (links below point to the relevant .stan source files):
  4. Post-processes model output to produce forecasts and summary figures, including a table formatted for submission to the Covid-19 Forecast Hub.

See our model definition page for further details on the modeling methods and data pre-processing.

Installing and running code

Install R

To run our code, you will need a working installation of R (version 4.3.0 or later). You can find instructions for installing R on the official R project website.

Install cmdstanr and CmdStan

We do inference from our models using CmdStan (version 2.35.0 or later) via its R interface cmdstanr (version 0.8.0 or later).

Open an R session and run the following command to install cmdstanr per that package's official installation guide.

install.packages("cmdstanr", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))

If using renv to manage your R packages and environment, use the following command to install cmdstanr.


cmdstanr provides tools for installing CmdStan itself. First check that everything is properly configured by running:


You should see the following:

The C++ toolchain required for CmdStan is setup properly!

If you do, you can then install CmdStan by running:


If installation succeeds, you should see a message like the following:

CmdStan path set to: {a path on your file system}

If you run into trouble, consult the official cmdstanr website for further installation guides and help.

Download this repository and install the project package (cfaforecastrenewalww)

Once cmdstanr and CmdStan are installed, the next step is to download this repository and install our project package, cfaforecastrenewalww. The repository provides an overall structure for running the forecasting analysis; the project package provides tools for specifying and running our models, and installs other needed dependencies.

Once you have downloaded this repository, navigate to it within an R session and run the following:


If using renv to manage your R packages and environment, use the following command from within the wastewater-informed-covid-forecasting repository to install cfaforecastrenewalww.


If that fails, confirm that your R working directory is indeed the project directory by running R's getwd() command.

R dependencies

Installing the project package should take care of almost all dependencies installations. Confirm that package installation has succeeded by running the following within an R session:


Set up API keys

To load in the data you will need to set up a secrets.yaml file in the root of the directory with the following format:

covidcast_api_key: {key}
nwss_data_token: {token}
data_rid: {rid}
  • covidcast: Go to the CMU Delphi website and request an API key using their form. The key will come in an email.
  • NSHN: Log into's developer settings page. At the profile page, click the pencil next to the abstract avatar image, then "Developer Settings," then create an API key. Be sure to copy the key secret to a safe place because you won't be able to see it again.
  • NWSS: Ensure you have access to DCIPHER first. Then go to the tokens page to create a new token. Be sure to copy the token to a safe place because you won't be able to see it again.
  • RID: The dataset RID is obtained when the data use agreement is approved and the link to the dataset on DCIPHER is provided.

Run the pipeline

To run the pipeline, type the following at a command prompt from the top-level project directory:

Rscript --vanilla -e "targets::tar_make()"

Alternatively, in an interactive R session with your R working directory set to the project root, run


The first time you run the pipeline after installing cfaforecastrenewalww, cmdstan will compile the model source .stan files to executible binaries, which by default are stored in a subdirectory bin/ of the top-level project directory. Subsequent runs should use those precompiled executibles, without need for recompilation. To force recompilation, delete the binaries stored in the bin/ directory or reinstall the cfaforecastrenewalww R package.

Contributing to this project

Git workflow

We store our production code in the prod branch; refer to the HEAD of that branch for the code used to produce our most recent published forecast. To develop new features or fix bugs, create a feature branch off of prod. When the feature is ready, make a pull request into prod. All tests should pass within a feature branch before pull request can be merged.

Please see our contributing guidelines and code-of-conduct for more details.

Contact information

We want feedback and questions! Feel free to submit an issue here on Github, or contact us via this form.

Standard CDCGov open source repository information, notices, and disclaimers

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This repository constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC § 105. This repository is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication. All contributions to this repository will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.

License Standard Notice

The repository utilizes code licensed under the terms of the Apache Software License and therefore is licensed under ASL v2 or later.

This source code in this repository is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache Software License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This source code in this repository is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache Software License for more details.

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