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Dan Rope edited this page Aug 31, 2016 · 1 revision

If needed, Brunel can run as a Web Service which exposes a REST API for creating visualizations.

Note: Java (7 or higher) must also be installed on the machine.

  1. Set the local environment variable BRUNEL_SERVER = http://localhost:8080/BrunelServices
  2. Download and unzip Apache TomEE with JAX-RS
  3. Download and unzip both the Brunel source code and the Brunel distribution (brunel-all) from the latest release
  4. Find the brunel .war file located in the /java subdirectory within brunel-all
  5. Rename this file to BrunelServices.war
  6. Copy BrunelServices.war to the webapps sub-directory inside of TomEE
  7. Start TomEE by running startup located in the /bin directory within TomEE
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