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Please note: This project is deprecated at Zynga and is no longer maintained.


This is a collection of libraries that Zynga uses to enable hacklang strict usage.

What is provided:

Namespace Description Documentation
Zynga\Framework\AutoLoader Simple autoloader AutoLoader
Zynga\Framework\Cache StorableObject cache Cache
Zynga\Framework\CommandLine Commandline script framework handling argument parsing CommandLine
Zynga\Framework\Database Database abstraction Database
Zynga\Framework\Datadog Datadog native hack implementation Datadog
Zynga\Framework\Dynamic Encapsulation for dealing with dynamic class / method usage within a strict environment Dynamic
Zynga\Framework\ELO Implmentation of the ELO algorithim for various game use. ELO
Zynga\Framework\Environment\CodePath Class for finding the root of the codebase CodePath
Zynga\Framework\Environment\Command\Finder Finder for binaries Command Finder
Zynga\Framework\Environment\DevelopmentMode Class for finding which environment your code is running within DevelopmentMode
Zynga\Framework\Environment\ErrorCapture Framework for capturing legacy php_notice messages. ErrorCapture
Zynga\Framework\Environment\SuperGlobals Class for abstracting away accessing the legacy php super global variables in a safe manner SuperGlobals
Zynga\Framework\Exception Exception class used throughout the codebase Exception
Zynga\Framework\Factory Factory pattern infrastructure Factory
Zynga\Framework\Performance Time and memory checkpoint timers Performance
Zynga\Framework\StorableObject Structures that implement import and export functionality StorableObject
Zynga\Framework\Testing Testing implementation that abstracts phpUnit in a strict compatible way. Testing
Zynga\Framework\Type Typeboxes for hacklang supporting data validation Types

Setting up a development environment

  1. Start with your dependencies for running the project locally. 0.0) mysql 0.1) postgresql 0.2) hhvm with postgresql enabled 0.3) composer
# using brew
brew install mysql

# ------
# HHVM 3.25 and above now includes postgre for Mac. If you install an older version, you can follow the steps below.
# More info on this ticket:
# Main advantage is that you can use the binaries rather than needing to build.
brew install postgresql
brew edit hhvm

# Manual work around for versions older than 3.25. You will be adding the following postgresql definitions to the brew recipie
## look for the following line
# -DLIBSODIUM_LIBRARIES=#{Formula["libsodium"].opt_lib}/libsodium.dylib
## Add the following
brew reinstall --build-from-source hhvm
  1. Setup composer for use locally

Download composer:

Follow the above steps to get a composer.phar in your ~/bin directory.

Create a composer phar wrapper to handle running it via hhvm.

Edit ~/bin/composer


$command = array();
$command[] = '/usr/local/bin/hhvm';
$command[] = '-d hhvm.jit=false';
$command[] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/composer.phar';

$argvCount = count($argv);
for ( $i = 1; $i < $argvCount; $i++ ) {
  $command[] = $argv[$i];

// var_dump($command);

$commandString = join(' ', $command);

// var_dump($commandString);

$rv = 0;
passthru($commandString, $rv);


Chmod the composer file to be executable:

chmod 755 ~/bin/composer
  1. Run the setup process to get all the make files and symlinks available.
  1. Setup the mysql environment needed for the test harness
brew services start mysql
mysql --user=root < tests/sql/mysql/create_test_database.sql
mysql --user=root -e 'SHOW DATABASES'
mysql --user=root -e 'SHOW TABLES' phpunit
  1. Setup the postgresql environment needed for the test harness
brew services start postgresql
createdb `whoami`
psql < tests/sql/postgresql/create_test_database.sql
# caution the following commands will wipe out a existing .pgpass, so please
# be careful if you already have the need for this setting file.
echo "localhost:5432:phpunit:zframework:i-am-a-walrus" > ~/.pgpass
echo '\d' | psql --user=zframework --host=localhost phpunit
  1. Setup memcache locally
brew install memcached # it should already be installed due to hhvm
brew services start memcached
  1. Setup the environment you would like to emulate
# create the zynga directory on this host
sudo mkdir -p /opt/zynga
# create the environment indicator
sudo touch /opt/zynga/is_development

Modifying code

Adding new namespaces

In order for a new namespace to properly resolve to the correct file path, you have to provide the autoloader with a mapping from the namespace to the file path. To do this, you will need to:

  1. Modify ./composer.json in the autoload/psr-4 section to contain your mapping from namespace to file path. These should be organized in alphabetical order.
  2. Commit this change.
  3. Run make composer-update.
  4. Verify that your mapping appears in ./vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php
  5. Verify that your namespace is recognized and a class in said namespace can be loaded AT RUNTIME. Running hh_client isn't sufficient as the typechecker uses a different means of verifying classes/namespaces.

Submitting code

  1. Run make test
  2. Ensure that code coverage is still at 100pct all submissions are required to keep us at that level.
  3. make hack-format
  4. submit pull request


  • Zynga\Exception - port short stack trace exporter
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Code rules of the road
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Design strategy
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\AutoLoader
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Cache
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\CommandLine
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Database
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Datadog
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Dynamic
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\ELO
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Environment\CodePath
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Environment\Command\Finder
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Environment\DevelopmentMode
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Environment\ErrorCapture
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Environment\SuperGlobals
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Exception
  • Write doc/port internal docs: ZYnga\Framework\Factory
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Performance
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\StorableObject
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Testing
  • Write doc/port internal docs: Zynga\Framework\Type
  • Migrate the composer and project layout into something similar to what symfony is doing with multiple deps within a single master dep.
  • Port StorableObject/V1/StorableMap to separate, new collection with added import support

Naming Conventions


Please postfix all exceptions with the 'Exception' name.

<?hh //strict

namespace My\Domain;

use Zynga\Framework\Exception\V1\Exception;

class MyDomainException extends Exception {}

Build status

Build Status