You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 28
6. Appendix
ZCL foundation commands are used for manipulating attributes and other general tasks that are not specific to an individual cluster.
Foundation commands are usually used to read/write attributes, attribute record objects should be given within
to build a ZCL command packet. Format of an attribute record depends on the foundation command. -
Description of each foundation command is documented in Section 2.4 General Command Frames.
The following table describes what kind of payload format should a foundation command have. Each column in the table tells:
- Cmd-API: Command name.
- CmdId: Command id in number.
- Description: Purpose of the command.
- Payload: Payload should be an array of attribute records if the command is used to manipulate many attributes.
- Parameter Types: Indicates the data type of each property in the payload object.
Cmd-API | CmdId | Description | Payload | Parameter Types |
read | 0 | Read attributes |
[ readRec, ... ]
none |
readRsp | 1 | Read attributes response |
[ readStatusRec, ... ]
none |
write | 2 | Write attributes |
[ writeRec, ... ]
none |
writeUndiv | 3 | Write attributes undivided |
[ writeRec, ... ]
none |
writeRsp | 4 | Write attributes response |
[ writeStatusRec, ... ]
none |
writeNoRsp | 5 | Write attributes no response |
[ writeRec, ... ]
none |
configReport | 6 | Configure reporting |
[ cfgRptRec, ... ]
none |
configReportRsp | 7 | Configure reporting response |
[ cfgRptStatusRec, ... ]
none |
readReportConfig | 8 | Read reporting configuration |
[ readRptRec, ... ]
none |
readReportConfigRsp | 9 | Read reporting configuration response |
[ readRptStatusRec, ... ]
none |
report | 10 | Report attributes |
[ reportRec, ... ]
none |
defaultRsp | 11 | Default response | { cmdId, statusCode } |
uint8, uint8 |
discover | 12 | Discover attributes | { startAttrId, maxAttrIds } |
uint16, uint8 |
discoverRsp | 13 | Discover attributes response | { discComplete, attrInfos } |
uint16, array(attrInfo) |
readStruct | 14 | Read attributes structured |
[ readStructRec, ... ]
none |
writeStruct | 15 | Write attributes structured |
[ writeStructRec, ... ]
none |
writeStructRsp | 16 | Write attributes structured response |
[ writeStructStstusRec, ... ]
none |
The following table lists each kind of the attribute records.
Note: Field types of multi
and selector
are given in Data Unit Table.
Cmd-API | Field Names | Field Types | Judge Field | Additional Field Names | Additional Field Types |
readRec | { attrId } |
uint16 | none | none | none |
readStatusRec | { attrId, status } |
uint16, uint8 | status(0) | { dataType, attrData } |
uint8, multi |
status(1) | none | none | |||
writeRec | { attrId, dataType, attrData } |
uint16, uin8, multi | none | none | none |
writeStatusRec | { status, attrId } |
uint8, uint16 | none | none | none |
cfgRptRec | { direction, attrId } |
uint8, uint16 | direction(0) | { dataType, minRepIntval, maxRepIntval, [repChange] } |
uint8, uint16, uint16, depends(dataType ) |
direction(1) | { timeout } |
uint16 | |||
cfgRptStatusRec | { status, direction, attrId } |
uint8, uint8, uint16 | none | none | none |
readRptRec | { direction, attrId } |
uint8, uint16 | none | none | none |
readRptStatusRec | { status, direction, attrId } |
uint8, uint8, uint16 | status(0) | { dataType, minRepIntval, maxRepIntval, [repChange] } |
uint8, uint16, uint16, depends(dataType ) |
status(1) | { timeout } |
uint16 | |||
reportRec | { attrId, dataType, attrData } |
uint16, uin8, multi | none | none | none |
attrInfo | { attrId, dataType } |
uint16, uint8 | none | none | none |
readStructRec |
{ attrId, selector }
uint16, selector | none | none | none |
writeStructRec |
{ attrId, selector, dataType, attrData }
uint16, selector, uint8, multi | none | none | none |
writeStructStstusRec |
{ status, attrId, selector }
uint8, attrId, selector | none | none | none |
Data Unit | Judge Field | Field Names | Field Types |
multi | dataType(array , set , bag ) |
{ elmType, numElms, elmVals } |
uint8, uint16, array(depends(elmType )) |
dataType(struct ) |
{ numElms, structElms } |
uint16, array(struct ) |
selector | none | { indicator, indexes } |
uint8, array(depends(indicator )) |
struct | none | { elmType, elmVal } |
uint8, depends(elmType ) |
The following table describes the payload format of functional commands. Each column in the table is:
- Cluster: Cluster name.
- Cmd-API: Command name.
- CmdId: Command id in number.
- Direction: Tells whether a command is sent from client-to-server (c2s) or from server-to-client (s2c).
- Arguments: Required parameters of a Cmd-API.
Functional domains:
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
genBasic | resetFactDefault | 0 | c2s | { } |
genIdentify | identify | 0 | c2s | { identifytime } |
identifyQuery | 1 | c2s | { } |
ezmodeInvoke | 2 | c2s | { action } |
updateCommissionState | 3 | c2s | { action, commstatemask } |
triggerEffect | 64 | c2s | { effectid, effectvariant } |
identifyQueryRsp | 0 | s2c | { timeout } |
genGroups | add | 0 | c2s | { groupid, groupname } |
view | 1 | c2s | { groupid } |
getMembership | 2 | c2s | { groupcount, grouplist } |
remove | 3 | c2s | { groupid } |
removeAll | 4 | c2s | { } |
addIfIdentifying | 5 | c2s | { groupid, groupname } |
addRsp | 0 | s2c | { status, groupid } |
viewRsp | 1 | s2c | { status, groupid, groupname } |
getMembershipRsp | 2 | s2c | { capacity, groupcount, grouplist } |
removeRsp | 3 | s2c | { status, groupid } |
genScenes | add | 0 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets } |
view | 1 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid } |
remove | 2 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid } |
removeAll | 3 | c2s | { groupid } |
store | 4 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid } |
recall | 5 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid } |
getSceneMembership | 6 | c2s | { groupid } |
enhancedAdd | 64 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets } |
enhancedView | 65 | c2s | { groupid, sceneid } |
copy | 66 | c2s | { mode, groupidfrom, sceneidfrom, groupidto, sceneidto } |
addRsp | 0 | s2c | { status, groupId, sceneId } |
viewRsp | 1 | s2c | { status, groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets } |
removeRsp | 2 | s2c | { status, groupid, sceneid } |
removeAllRsp | 3 | s2c | { status, groupid } |
storeRsp | 4 | s2c | { status, groupid, sceneid } |
getSceneMembershipRsp | 6 | s2c | { status, capacity, groupid, scenecount, scenelist } |
enhancedAddRsp | 64 | s2c | { } |
enhancedViewRsp | 65 | s2c | { status, groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets } |
copyRsp | 66 | s2c | { status, groupidfrom, sceneidfrom } |
genOnOff | off | 0 | c2s | { } |
on | 1 | c2s | { } |
toggle | 2 | c2s | { } |
offWithEffect | 64 | c2s | { effectid, effectvariant } |
onWithRecallGlobalScene | 65 | c2s | { } |
onWithTimedOff | 66 | c2s | { ctrlbits, ctrlbyte, ontime, offwaittime } |
genLevelCtrl | moveToLevel | 0 | c2s | { level, transtime } |
move | 1 | c2s | { movemode, rate } |
step | 2 | c2s | { stepmode, stepsize, transtime } |
stop | 3 | c2s | { } |
moveToLevelWithOnOff | 4 | c2s | { level, transtime } |
moveWithOnOff | 5 | c2s | { movemode, rate } |
stepWithOnOff | 6 | c2s | { stepmode, stepsize, transtime } |
stopWithOnOff | 7 | c2s | { } |
genAlarms | reset | 0 | c2s | { alarmcode, clusterid } |
resetAll | 1 | c2s | { } |
get | 2 | c2s | { } |
resetLog | 3 | c2s | { } |
publishEventLog | 4 | c2s | { } |
alarm | 0 | s2c | { alarmcode, clusterid } |
getRsp | 1 | s2c | { status, alarmcode, clusterid, timestamp } |
getEventLog | 2 | s2c | { } |
genRssiLocation | setAbsolute | 0 | c2s | { coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexponent } |
setDevCfg | 1 | c2s | { power, pathlossexponent, calperiod, numrssimeasurements, reportingperiod } |
getDevCfg | 2 | c2s | { targetaddr } |
getData | 3 | c2s | { getdatainfo, numrsp, targetaddr } |
devCfgRsp | 0 | s2c | { status, power, pathlossexp, calperiod, numrssimeasurements, reportingperiod } |
dataRsp | 1 | s2c | { status, locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexp, locationmethod, qualitymeasure, locationage } |
dataNotif | 2 | s2c | { locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexp, locationmethod, qualitymeasure, locationage } |
compactDataNotif | 3 | s2c | { locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, qualitymeasure, locationage } |
rssiPing | 4 | s2c | { locationtype } |
genCommissioning | restartDevice | 0 | c2s | { options, delay, jitter } |
saveStartupParams | 1 | c2s | { options, index } |
restoreStartupParams | 2 | c2s | { options, index } |
resetStartupParams | 3 | c2s | { options, index } |
restartDeviceRsp | 0 | s2c | { status } |
saveStartupParamsRsp | 1 | s2c | { status } |
restoreStartupParamsRsp | 2 | s2c | { status } |
resetStartupParamsRsp | 3 | s2c | { status } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
closuresDoorLock | lockDoor | 0 | c2s | { pincodevalue } |
unlockDoor | 1 | c2s | { pincodevalue } |
toggleDoor | 2 | c2s | { pincodevalue } |
unlockWithTimeout | 3 | c2s | { timeout, pincodevalue } |
getLogRecord | 4 | c2s | { logindex } |
setPinCode | 5 | c2s | { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue } |
getPinCode | 6 | c2s | { userid } |
clearPinCode | 7 | c2s | { userid } |
clearAllPinCodes | 8 | c2s | { } |
setUserStatus | 9 | c2s | { userid, userstatus } |
getUserStatus | 10 | c2s | { userid } |
setWeekDaySchedule | 11 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid, daysmask, starthour, startminute, endhour, endminute } |
getWeekDaySchedule | 12 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid } |
clearWeekDaySchedule | 13 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid } |
setYearDaySchedule | 14 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime } |
getYearDaySchedule | 15 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid } |
clearYearDaySchedule | 16 | c2s | { scheduleid, userid } |
setHolidaySchedule | 17 | c2s | { holidayscheduleid, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime, opermodelduringholiday } |
getHolidaySchedule | 18 | c2s | { holidayscheduleid } |
clearHolidaySchedule | 19 | c2s | { holidayscheduleid } |
setUserType | 20 | c2s | { userid, usertype } |
getUserType | 21 | c2s | { userid } |
setRfidCode | 22 | c2s | { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue } |
getRfidCode | 23 | c2s | { userid } |
clearRfidCode | 24 | c2s | { userid } |
clearAllRfidCodes | 25 | c2s | { } |
lockDoorRsp | 0 | s2c | { status } |
unlockDoorRsp | 1 | s2c | { status } |
toggleDoorRsp | 2 | s2c | { status } |
unlockWithTimeoutRsp | 3 | s2c | { status } |
getLogRecordRsp | 4 | s2c | { logentryid, timestamp, eventtype, source, eventidalarmcode, userid, pincodevalue } |
setPinCodeRsp | 5 | s2c | { status } |
getPinCodeRsp | 6 | s2c | { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue } |
clearPinCodeRsp | 7 | s2c | { status } |
clearAllPinCodesRsp | 8 | s2c | { status } |
setUserStatusRsp | 9 | s2c | { status } |
getUserStatusRsp | 10 | s2c | { userid, userstatus } |
setWeekDayScheduleRsp | 11 | s2c | { status } |
getWeekDayScheduleRsp | 12 | s2c | { scheduleid, userid, status, daysmask, starthour, startminute, endhour, endminute } |
clearWeekDayScheduleRsp | 13 | s2c | { status } |
setYearDayScheduleRsp | 14 | s2c | { status } |
getYearDayScheduleRsp | 15 | s2c | { scheduleid, userid, status, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime } |
clearYearDayScheduleRsp | 16 | s2c | { status } |
setHolidayScheduleRsp | 17 | s2c | { status } |
getHolidayScheduleRsp | 18 | s2c | { holidayscheduleid, status, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime, opermodelduringholiday } |
clearHolidayScheduleRsp | 19 | s2c | { status } |
setUserTypeRsp | 20 | s2c | { status } |
getUserTypeRsp | 21 | s2c | { userid, usertype } |
setRfidCodeRsp | 22 | s2c | { status } |
getRfidCodeRsp | 23 | s2c | { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue } |
clearRfidCodeRsp | 24 | s2c | { status } |
clearAllRfidCodesRsp | 25 | s2c | { status } |
operationEventNotification | 32 | s2c | { opereventsrc, opereventcode, userid, pin, zigbeelocaltime, data } |
programmingEventNotification | 33 | s2c | { programeventsrc, programeventcode, userid, pin, usertype, userstatus, zigbeelocaltime, data } |
closuresWindowCovering | upOpen | 0 | c2s | { } |
downClose | 1 | c2s | { } |
stop | 2 | c2s | { } |
goToLiftValue | 4 | c2s | { liftvalue } |
goToLiftPercentage | 5 | c2s | { percentageliftvalue } |
goToTiltValue | 7 | c2s | { tiltvalue } |
goToTiltPercentage | 8 | c2s | { percentagetiltvalue } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
hvacThermostat | setpointRaiseLower | 0 | c2s | { mode, amount } |
setWeeklySchedule | 1 | c2s | { numoftrans, dayofweek, mode, thermoseqmode } |
getWeeklySchedule | 2 | c2s | { daystoreturn, modetoreturn } |
clearWeeklySchedule | 3 | c2s | { } |
getRelayStatusLog | 4 | c2s | { } |
getWeeklyScheduleRsp | 0 | s2c | { numoftrans, dayofweek, mode, thermoseqmode } |
getRelayStatusLogRsp | 1 | s2c | { timeofday, relaystatus, localtemp, humidity, setpoint, unreadentries } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
lightingColorCtrl | moveToHue | 0 | c2s | { hue, direction, transtime } |
moveHue | 1 | c2s | { movemode, rate } |
stepHue | 2 | c2s | { stepmode, stepsize, transtime } |
moveToSaturation | 3 | c2s | { saturation, transtime } |
moveSaturation | 4 | c2s | { movemode, rate } |
stepSaturation | 5 | c2s | { stepmode, stepsize, transtime } |
moveToHueAndSaturation | 6 | c2s | { hue, saturation, transtime } |
moveToColor | 7 | c2s | { colorx, colory, transtime } |
moveColor | 8 | c2s | { ratex, ratey } |
stepColor | 9 | c2s | { stepx, stepy, transtime } |
moveToColorTemp | 10 | c2s | { colortemp, transtime } |
enhancedMoveToHue | 64 | c2s | { enhancehue, direction, transtime } |
enhancedMoveHue | 65 | c2s | { movemode, rate } |
enhancedStepHue | 66 | c2s | { stepmode, stepsize, transtime } |
enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation | 67 | c2s | { enhancehue, saturation, transtime } |
colorLoopSet | 68 | c2s | { bits, bytee, action, direction, time, starthue } |
stopMoveStep | 71 | c2s | { bits, bytee, action, direction, time, starthue } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
ssIasZone | enrollRsp | 0 | c2s | { enrollrspcode, zoneid } |
statusChangeNotification | 0 | s2c | { zonestatus, extendedstatus } |
enrollReq | 1 | s2c | { zonetype, manucode } |
ssIasAce | arm | 0 | c2s | { armmode } |
bypass | 1 | c2s | { numofzones, zoneidlist } |
emergency | 2 | c2s | { } |
fire | 3 | c2s | { } |
panic | 4 | c2s | { } |
getZoneIDMap | 5 | c2s | { } |
getZoneInfo | 6 | c2s | { zoneid } |
getPanelStatus | 7 | c2s | { } |
getBypassedZoneList | 8 | c2s | { } |
getZoneStatus | 9 | c2s | { startzoneid, maxnumzoneid, zonestatusmaskflag, zonestatusmask } |
armRsp | 0 | s2c | { armnotification } |
getZoneIDMapRsp | 1 | s2c | { zoneidmapsection0, zoneidmapsection1, zoneidmapsection2, zoneidmapsection3, zoneidmapsection4, zoneidmapsection5, zoneidmapsection6, zoneidmapsection7, zoneidmapsection8, zoneidmapsection9, zoneidmapsection10, zoneidmapsection11, zoneidmapsection12, zoneidmapsection13, zoneidmapsection14, zoneidmapsection15 } |
getZoneInfoRsp | 2 | s2c | { zoneid, zonetype, ieeeaddr } |
zoneStatusChanged | 3 | s2c | { zoneid, zonestatus, audiblenotif, strlen, string } |
panelStatusChanged | 4 | s2c | { panelstatus, secondsremain, audiblenotif, alarmstatus } |
getPanelStatusRsp | 5 | s2c | { panelstatus, secondsremain, audiblenotif, alarmstatus } |
setBypassedZoneList | 6 | s2c | { numofzones, zoneid } |
bypassRsp | 7 | s2c | { numofzones, bypassresult } |
getZoneStatusRsp | 8 | s2c | { zonestatuscomplete, numofzones, zoneinfo } |
ssIasWd | startWarning | 0 | c2s | { startwarninginfo, warningduration } |
squawk | 1 | c2s | { squawkinfo } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
piGenericTunnel | matchProtocolAddr | 0 | c2s | { protocoladdr } |
matchProtocolAddrRsp | 0 | s2c | { devieeeaddr, protocoladdr } |
advertiseProtocolAddr | 1 | s2c | { protocoladdr } |
piBacnetProtocolTunnel | transferNPDU | 0 | c2s | { npdu } |
Cluster | Cmd-API | CmdId | Direction | Arguments |
haApplianceEventsAlerts | getAlerts | 0 | c2s | { } |
getAlertsRsp | 0 | s2c | { alertscount, aalert } |
alertsNotification | 1 | s2c | { alertscount, aalert } |
eventNotification | 2 | s2c | { eventheader, eventid } |
haApplianceStatistics | log | 0 | c2s | { logid } |
logQueue | 1 | c2s | { } |
logNotification | 0 | s2c | { timestamp, logid, loglength, logpayload } |
logRsp | 1 | s2c | { timestamp, logid, loglength, logpayload } |
logQueueRsp | 2 | s2c | { logqueuesize, logid } |
statisticsAvailable | 3 | s2c | { logqueuesize, logid } |
haElectricalMeasurement | getProfileInfo | 0 | c2s | { } |
getMeasurementProfile | 1 | c2s | { attrId, starttime, numofuntervals } |
getProfileInfoRsp | 0 | s2c | { profilecount, profileintervalperiod, maxnumofintervals, numofattrs, listofattr } |
getMeasurementProfileRsp | 1 | s2c | { starttime, status, profileintervalperiod, numofintervalsdeliv, attrId, intervals } |