Resizes artboards in Sketch to fit their content.
Select one or more artboards (or one or more layers on one or more artboards) and enter
Resize all the artboards on the current page with
Alternatively, you can access the same commands from the menu by navigating to
Plugins > Resize Artboard > Fit Artboards to Content
Plugins > Resize Artboard > Resize All Artboards on Current Page
- Download the plugin as a zip file.
- In Sketch, go to
Plugins > Reveal Plugins Folder...
- Unzip the package into this folder and you're done!
- A resized artboard is never moved or repositioned; only its content is moved
- When resizing an artboard to fit its content, only visible (non-hidden) layers are considered, but the relative positioning of hidden layers with respect to visible layers is preserved
- Resize multiple selected artboards at once
- Resize the parent artboard of a selected layer. Also works for multiple parent artboards when selecting multiple layers across artboards
- Resize all artboards on the current page
Version 1.1.1
MIT License
- Updated for Sketch 3.4.1