ILLC3 is a Visual Studio code extention that adds native support to Visual Studio Code for lc3 assembly. LC3 is a popular educational assembly language used to teach the fundamentals of computer engineering at various universities such as UIUC, UW Madison, UT Austin, UPenn and many more.
- Simply look for ILLC3 and hit install and you're good to go!
- Clone this repo and unzip the .zip file.
- Open VSCode and navigate File → Open → Choose the extension folder
- Press F5 to use the extension in a simulated environment.
- You're ready to go now!!!
- We expect to have the extension available on the VS Code Extensions marketplace very soon!
Syntax highlighting for LC3 including differentiation between operands, registers, comments, pseudo-ops, and data types
Auto complete support in the form of RTL statements for operands and pseudo-ops
Shortcuts implemented for various operands:
- shift + enter + a --> inserts ADD
- shift + enter + d --> inserts AND
- shift + enter + b --> inserts BR
- shift + enter + q --> inserts JMP
- shift + enter + j --> inserts JSR
- shift + enter + y --> inserts JSRR
- shift + enter + right --> inserts LD
- shift + enter + i --> inserts LDI
- shift + enter + r --> inserts LDR
- shift + enter + e --> inserts LEA
- shift + enter + n --> inserts NOT
- shift + enter + left --> inserts ST
- shift + enter + t --> inserts STI
- shift + enter + = --> inserts STR
Tip: The auto complete code pastes a template for registers that can be edited in succession using the Tab button
Note: When entering shortcuts press shift + enter together, then press the necessary key
- Debugging requires LC3 tools to be installed in your unix terminal (supported only with linux/mac or a linux subsystem for windows):
- Native support for debugging LC3 is in the works! If you think you can help us out, feel free to submit a PR!
Made with <3 @ HackIllinois 2019