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Apr 17th, 2012 meetup

snostorm edited this page Apr 19, 2012 · 15 revisions

5-minute Ruby News

We focus on the big picture and only cover the big news stories. If you want to get regular news between meetups you should follow @yegrb on Twitter, and check our list of Ruby resources.

Upcoming events

There are so many events happening every month in Edmonton and around the world. We find the events and conferences that are most interesting to our members and share them with the group.

Job announcements

There's nothing better than landing a sweet Ruby job. Every month we share the latest Ruby and related job announcements with our members. If you're hiring Rubyists let us know!

  • Jobber is hiring front and backend developers. Apply now

Ruby Recap

This is a special 10-minute lighting talk covering a basic Ruby skill each months. Past recaps have covered topics like Rack, Bundler, and RVM. You'd be surprised at some of the tricks even expert Rubyists learn during these sessions.

Lightning talks

The main part of each meetup is the lighting talks. We aim to have 2-3 of these. Each talk lasts 10-minutes with 5-minutes for questions afterwards. We divide the talks into advanced and basic slots; aiming to keep more experienced Rubyists engaged with the advanced talks, without scarying away new comers.

Exchange.js News

  • jQuery Mobile 1.1 Final - Uses jQuery 1.6.4 or 1.7.1 - Fixed toolbars, smoother navigation (transitions), ajax loader customization, jQuery 1.7, improved form and button elements, docs search. ([jQuery 1.7.2|]] released, bug fixes.
  • COFFEE-SCRIPT 1.3.1 - provides ECMAScript 5 strict mode syntax error support at runtime, new "Generated by..." header in outputted code, and it'll now beep if a parse error occurs while in watch mode.
  • Mint Chip Challenge - not exactly JavaScript, but the Royal Canadian Mint has opened up a development challenge around its virtual currency ideas and technologies. A Javascript API is available on the Developer portal.

Exchange.js Lighting Talk

@SeanOuimet presented JavaScript news and the did a demo on the automated realistate video platform they created using Kaltura, Amazon SQS and MLT (Media Lovin' Toolkit). See Redman's Node-MLT project on GitHub for a sample app.

Talk ideas

  • Meteour.js


Each meetup wraps up with a five minute planning session during which we plan the talks for the next month. We encourage members to propose talk topics for other members, but don't be surprised if you end up giving a talk or two yourself.

Thanks to Redman Technologies for providing the camera and recording. Also, thanks to Burmis Studio for the pizza.


The best part of the night for many of our members is after the talks are done, when we head to Original Joe's Varsity for food and drinks. We're usually there be 8:30PM and anyone is welcome to join us there once the talks are done.

This is your chance to catch up with other members, ask the questions you couldn't during the talks, or maybe just relax after a tough demo.

If you'd like to know more about upcoming meetups you can see a list of them on our homepage. Hope to see you at YEGrb soon!