Modify from to generate chinese character.
Due to SynthText_Chinese_version is writen by python2 and opencv2.So, I modify this program by python3 and opencv3.
My OS is Ubuntu18.01, python3.6, opencv3.4. But I am not sure whether it can run on other OS.
- dset.h5: For the "dset.h5" file,I have generated it which containts 99 images and corresponding to depth and seg infomation.If you don't want to genetate by yourself you can download from dset.h5, password: fxtj
Of course,you can genetate the "dset.h5" file by yourself.You must download these files: The 8,000 background images used in the paper, along with their segmentation and depth masks, have been uploaded here:, where, filename can be:
- imnames.cp [180K]: names of filtered files, i.e., those files which do not contain text
- bg_img.tar.gz [8.9G]: compressed image files (more than 8000, so only use the filtered ones in imnames.cp)
- depth.h5 [15G]: depth maps
- seg.h5 [6.9G]: segmentation maps
You can create a folder,such as "dataset" and put the files into this folder,and copying the "" into this folder. You also have to unzip the "bg_img.tar.gz" to this folder.You only run:
The "" file can generate 99 images infomation,if you want to generate more images infomation,You can modify the 35th line of this file.Modify "i == 100" to "i == n",'n' denotes a number which is you want to generate quantity of image. Then you just copy the generated file "dset.h5" to the folder "data".You only run:
If You want to visualize these synthtext images,you can run:
python --viz
Note: I do not own the copyright to these images.
More detail content,you can consult the