Dear users, we kindly note that this repo provides a proof-of-concept implementation of PrivacyGuard, not a product release. An older generation (2.0.1) of Intel SGX is used. We recommend readers to use our code as a workflow reference, rather than a product baseline. Thanks!
- iDA (iDataAgent)
- DB (Data Broker)
- CEE (Contract Execution Environment)
- DC (Data Consumer)
- DO (Data Owner)
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Intel SGX driver, PSW, SDK (see
- DataBroker Contract address: 0x7CAC532e3E93666247a56D987e25AEa5050B8cee
- DataOwner Contract address: 0x208D3CEdFE8918298A726264B578A9BA2AE8c85B (Search contract addresses at
- To build all programs: bash ./allmake
- To clean all programs: bash ./allclean
- Executables will appear in individual directories.
- DO publishes its data usage policy through Ethereum smart contracts.
- DO remotely attests iDA's enclave.
- DC observes DO's contract from blockchain and parses the policy.
- DC invokes the smart contract by sending a transaction with the required deposit amount to call the contract's request() function.
- DC sends a REQUEST message to DO's iDataAgent.
- iDataAgent checks DC's deposit amount in the contract and then deploys CEE.
- iDataAgent and DC remotely attest CEE's enclave.
- With the secure channel establish by step 6, iDataAgent provisions DO's data decryption key K_data to CEE.
- CEE performs data operation.
- CEE securely provisions C_result, Hash(C_result), Hash(K_result) to DC; K_result to iDA. Then destructs the enclave.
- DC calls the contract's computationComplete() function with Hash(K_result).
- DO calls the contract's completeTransaction() function with K_result.
- Go to Enclave_testML and there should be a similar executable, which only instantiates the in-enclave ML training functions.
- Try option 3,4,5,6 to reproduce the enclave benchmark results in our paper.
The paper titled "PrivacyGuard: Enforcing Private Data Usage Control with Blockchain and Attested Off-chain Contract Execution" has appeared in ESORICS 2020, Sep 14-18, 2020.