A telegram bot to scan CryptoKitties API to report on kittens with a certain desirable trait.
Will clean up more when Im free and add more options to customize the parameters.
Please take note that this was a customized bot for my colleagues, I didn't expect to receive so much traffic on it.
Feel free to take it, modify the code, run it as your own instance, improve it, bla bla.
Thanks to Python-Telegram-Bot.
- Python3
- ImageMagick
- Python Telegram Bot
- wand
- web3py (You can do manual calculation for all wei->usd instead and not use this)
Install setup.py
Setup a mysql db (reccomend you use Cryptokitties as the title)
put your creds in tokens file.
Put your bot api in the tokens file as well.
Create a telegram channel to use for error messages and place the ID of the channel in tokens file according
Run createdb.py
rename tokens-sample.py to tokens.py
Replace filepaths in both modules.
go to your bot and do a /register, register yourself. (Reccomend not using a gigantic offset value)
Run the bot.
.service file is included for users on systems that use systemd, modify it accordingly.
Licensed under the MIT license. Do whatever you want to do with it.