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Meeting 2024 09 10

Anna Milan edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 26 revisions


Tuesday 10 September 2024 12h - 14h UTC


MS Teams



Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Tom KRALIDIS (Chair) Canada @tomkralidis X
Guillaume AUBERT EUMETSAT @gaubert X
Lance BRAASCH USA @lancebraasch X
Gao CHEN USA @gaochen-larc X
Lara FERRIGHI Norway @ferrighi
Masato FUJIMOTO (observing member) Japan @masato-f29 X
Sylvain GRELLET France @sgrellet X
Shuli HAN China @hansl2022 X
Xinqiang HAN China @Amienshxq X
Jörg KLAUSEN Switzerland @joergklausen X
Vera KORBULAKOVA Russian Federation @VeraKorbulakova X
Paolo LEONI Italy @PaoloLeoniIT X
Steve OLSON USA @solson-nws X
Ján OSUSKY HMEI @josusky X
David PODEUR France @davidpodeur X
Naicker SIVASHNI South Africa @TBA
Julia SIELAND Germany @jsieland X
Yutaro TONOOKA Japan YutaroJMA X
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X

Other attendees

Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Anne KAMAU Kenya @kamauanne-cpu X



  • Introduction (Tom) (5 minutes)
  • Round table (all) (40 minutes)
  • ET-Metadata overview (Tom/Anna) (25 minutes)
  • Task teams overview and Terms of Reference
    • TT-WISMD (Tom) (10 minutes)
    • TT-WIGOSMD (Jörg) (10 minutes)
  • Activities (Tom/Jörg)
    • Metadata harmonization and alignment joint project (15 minutes)
    • Outreach activities
  • Architecture of participation (Tom)
  • AOB


Tom opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees. Each attendee had an opportunity to introduce themselves and briefly describe their professional background, roles, and experiences with metadata, as well as hobbies or interests.
Anna provided a brief overview of the SC-IMT structure with its expert teams and where the ET-Metadata team sits within the structure. She presented the list of relevant WMO publications for which the WIS and WIGOS metadata standards are identified and briefly highlighted the two primary procedures available to amend WMO publications.

Tom Kralidis provided an overview of the ET-Metadata team noting that the team first started in 2020 and this is the second round with team members from all around the world. Tom then provided an overview of the ET-Metadata Terms of Reference (ToRs) noting in particular the collaboration with other standard bodies such as W3C, OGC, and ISO for harmonization of metadata standards where possible. Tom then proceeded to provide an overview of the Task Team on WIS Metadata and its ToRs and Joerg provided an overview of the Task Team on WIGOS Metadata and its ToRs.

Tom highlighted two key activities of interest. First, one of the ToRs requires the team to look at the relevant metadata standards to identify common building blocks with recommendations for future evolution and harmonization across the standards. He invited all members of this team to let Tom or Anna know of their interest in this activity in a 3rd task team under ET-Metadata. Secondly, he invited members of this team to express their interest in working on developing a program for a WMO metadata conference.

Tom closed the meeting by explaining the architecture of participation in GitHub, noting that the team will meet twice a year and inviting all members to make final remarks.


Next meeting

2025-03-11 (subject to rescheduling)