This release contains implementations from paper "Edge-Weighted Personalized PageRank: Breaking A Decade-Old Performance Barrier" (KDD 2015).
Here we use ObjectRank on the DBLP dataset as an illustration.
- numpy (>= 1.6.2)
- scipy (>= 0.10.1)
Download the preprocessed data data.tar.gz
from here and decompress it:
tar xvf data.tar.gz
Run the following commands to execute the experiments for query answering and learning to rank with model reduction method:
After the execution, the experiemental results will be generated in the result
Download the processed DBLP graph file
from here, put the unzippeddblp_obj.txt
directory. -
Compile the code
make -j4
- Run the following command to generate sampled Personalized PageRank vectors:
bin/ParamPPR data/dblp_obj.txt 2191288 data/sample-params.txt data/sample-vecs/value bin 12
The last parameter 12
is number of threads for computing. You may adjust it based on the number of cores in your machine.
- Run the following command on a high-memory machine (e.g. 128G) to generate reduce space:
python2.7 src/python/ data/sample-vecs/value bin 1000 3494258 float64 data/basis100.npy
You can also use reduced precision (float32
) if the memory is limited (e..g 48G):
python2.7 src/python/ data/sample-vecs/value bin 1000 3494258 float32 data/basis100.npy
- Run the following command to generate matrix
for each parameter:
bin/GenCSRMatrix data/dblp_obj.txt data/mat/p bin
As discussed in Section 3.3 of the paper, we have:
P(w) = \sum_s=1^7 w_s P^{(s)}`
For the DBLP graph case.