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Deploying a Raspberry Pi

Stephen Yeargin edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 5 revisions


Configuration options for the script itself.

pi_username: pi
pi_password: raspberry
identity_file: ~/.ssh/

Output of a configuration run:

 Welcome to MkRasPi

This program will guide you through creating configurations for remotely deployed Raspberry Pis.

At this point, please connect your Raspberry Pi to the network and obtain its IP addresss.

Enter the IP Address []:

Pinging the host to make sure it is up .... [PASS]
Copying your public SSH key to the host ... [PASS]
Verifying login using SSH public key ...... [PASS]

Provide a hostname for the Pi [raspberrypi]: officepi

0 - None, I will manually configure the display later.
1 - Panisonic 60" TV (255x255)
2 - Viewsonic 19" Display (1280x1024)

Select from the display options above [0]: 2

Configure wireless access [Yn]: y

Enter the Wireless Access Point name [linksys]: netgear

Enter the Wireless Access Point password [password]: givemeinternet

Set computer to US keyboard? [Yn]: y

Install motion? [Yn]: y

Boot into Kiosk Mode? [Yn]: y

Enter URL of Kiosk []:

You have created the following configuration:

   Hostname: officepi
   IP Address:
   SSH Key Login: Enabled
   Display: Viewsonic 19" Display (1280x1024)
   Wireless: netgear:givemeinternet
   Keyboard: US
   Camera: Yes
   Kiosk: Yes;

Save and run this configuration [Yn]: Y

 Here we go!

Saving the configuration to disk .......... [PASS]
Copying display options to Raspberry Pi ... [PASS]
Copying wireless options to Raspberry Pi .. [PASS]
Configuring Keyboard options .............. [PASS]
Configuring Kisok mode options ............ [PASS]
Rebooting the Raspberry Pi ................ [PASS]

Your Raspberry Pi is now configured. To re-run this configuration, use:

  mkraspi officepi

Thanks for using MkRasPi!
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