super-toastr is a Javascript library for non-blocking notifications. The difference between this library and others is that all toast notifications stack at the same spot in the screen and you can then navigate all toasts that are stacked.
It's fully tested with chrome. Minimum tests was done for now in IE11, EDGE it should be working fine. More effort will be done in the futur to add automated tests and test more with all browsers.
/* temporary - none minified */
npm i --save super-toastr
yarn add super-toastr
- step 1
add a div with this html and style at the end of your body tag.
<div id="toasts-container-1" style="z-index: 999999; pointer-events: none; display: flex; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
- step 2
If you can import, just do:
import { createToaster } from `super-toastr`;
var instance = createToaster('toasts-container-1');
as in the demo inside index.html
in the root of the git repo, you can import from cdn the file and use a global variable SuperToastrLib
var instance = SuperToastrLib.createToaster('toasts-container-1');
IMPORTANT: the param of createToaster call toasts-container-1
must match the id of the div in step 1
- step 3
Using the instance created in step 2, you can check the API section to add/remvoe toasts etc...
Method | Return | Params | Description |
addToast | toast id | Toast config | add a new toast notification |
removeToastById | new toast id diplayed or null | Toast id | remove a toast notification |
removeAllToasts | Remove all toast notifications | ||
removeAllToastTypes | array of types | Remove all toast notifications by types | |
nextToast | navigate to the next toast | ||
previousToast | navigate to the previous toast |
Please refer to demo bottom section to get the config for your toast
You can add a content as HTML inside the config
To do a fix or add a feature:
yarn start
- 'http://localhost:8080' in your browser to check the demo live
- You can update the file
and you 'll see your change
(live reloading is available - should refresh auto. your browser when a change is done in step 3)