is a minimal dependency framework, only one class with two method.
Full type-hint on public interface, provide type safety for library user.
Most popular DI frameworks in Python ecosystem have some design choices:
- Use decorator on injected function/class for object wiring.
- Declare container by inheriting some base-container class, and the order of object creation become explicit.
Highly integrate with user code, core use-cases will depend on the framework
While these design choices make it easier to test code, and reduce main lines of code in main module/program, these do have some drawback.
- Core library now depends on particular framework, add unwanted noises.
- Declaring order of objects become important, which reduce the benefits of DI.
So comes this library. Inspired by golang library, this library require user to do a little more stuff in main program, for limiting the dependency of DI framework into one place.
Assuming we have a Service
, providing use-case greeting
which need user to inject a Store
instance and a prefix
class Store:
def get_name(self, user_id: int) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class FaKeStore(Store):
def __init__(self, records: dict[int, str]):
self._records = records
def get_name(self, user_id: int) -> str:
return self._records[user_id]
class Service:
def __init__(self, store: Store, prefix: str):
self._store = store
self._prefix = prefix
def greeting(self, user_id: int) -> str:
name = self._store.get_name(user_id)
return f"{self._prefix}, {name}"
With the help of luckydep.Container
, we can register factory function
and later invoke the required instance.
import luckydep
container = luckydep.Container()
lambda c: Service(
prefix=c.invoke(str, name="hello-prefix"),
lambda c: FaKeStore({7: "Alice"}),
lambda c: "Hi",
service = container.invoke(Service)
assert service.greeting(7) == "Hi, Alice"
Notice that the registration order of Service
, Store
(and the str
"hello-prefix") is not important here.
Since that all factory function is evaluate lazily, the factory function can
alway use c.invoke
to ask another object, for which the factory function are
not registered already.
For custom types, we usually create only one instance, so we don't give a
explicit name
, the name of the provided factory is "default"
by default.
class Obj: ...
container = luckydep.Container()
# both usage are equivalent
container.provide(Obj, lambda c: Obj())
container.provide(Obj, lambda c: Obj(), name="default")
No dependency cycle detection, this library just explode the stack and crash immediately at runtime if there exists a dependency cycle.
Unlike some other framework, No config-file/environment-variable provider, with the *provide` interface, it's easy to integrate with other library with a simple lambda object.
import os
import luckydep
os.environ["API_TOKEN"] = "some-token"
c = luckydep.Container()
# can use any config-file/environ/argument library you like here
c.provide(str, lambda c: os.environ.get("API_TOKEN", ""), name="api-token")
api_token = c.invoke(str, name="api-token")
assert api_token == "some-token"
Only return a singleton by invoke interface, since personally I think that's the most important usage of dependency injection. To create a new instance every time, we can register "factory function of some factory function". Although the faction function need to be represent by some class, see next limitation.
Can not provide a type which are not exists at runtime. For example,
will complain when we want to provide a Callable[[int, int], int]
function to the container. Although this still work well in runtime since these
subscripted generic type instance is comparable and hashable.
Likewise, interface defined by typing.Protocol
won't pass mypy
check either.
As a result, structural typing is not possible by this library. User need to establish a explicit type inheritance.
import luckydep
class BinOp:
def __call__(self, a: int, b: int) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
class Add(BinOp):
def __call__(self, a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b
c = luckydep.Container()
c.provide(BinOp, lambda c: Add(), name="add-func")
operator = c.invoke(BinOp, name="add-func")
assert operator(2, 3) == 5