Tina is an EEW client based on "The Last 10-Second" protocol. You can make your mini PC such as Intel NUC or Raspberry Pi into an EEW receiving terminal with this software.
Currently this software is under heavy development.
- EEW (Earthquake Early Warning): Earthquake alerts issued by Japan Meteorological Agency immediately after an earthquake occurred
- "The Last 10-Second": A GUI-based EEW client software for Windows released by Weathernews Inc. (WNI)
- Receive EEW information from WNI
- Post EEW information to some web services
- Slack
- PushBullet (Not Implemented)
- Launch other programs in response to EEW information (Not Implemented)
This software is written in Rust. You should get the Rust toolchain from www.rustup.rs.
Currently this software depends on OpenSSL. You should install related files by yourself.
On Ubuntu 16.04, running the following command is sufficient.
$ apt install libssl-dev
$ git clone [path_to_this_repository] tina
$ cd tina
$ cargo build --release
Some configurations are needed. The sample configuration file is at config/tina.yaml.example
Once the configuration is finished, you can run the software with the following command.
$ ./tina [path_to_config_file]
- Author: wafrelka
- License: MIT License