VWM Surveys is a survey module for ExpressionEngine 2. It requires PHP 5.3 or greater.
VWM Surveys is licensed under the Apache 2 License.
- Added page description textarea
- Can now clone surveys (pages & questions)
- ExpressionEngine Multiple Site Manager (MSM) support
- Question titles can now be 16777215 characters (up from 128)
- Added check for PHP version in module installer and updater (PHP 5.3 or greater is required)
- Better breadcrumbs
- Fixed bug related to viewing a survey by explicitly passing a survey ID
- Added ability to remove survey submissions
- Fixed undefined index bug with text and radio matrix questions when compiling survey results
- Fixed datepicker so it should now work after Ajax requests
- Now using textarea for question title
- Fixed undefined index bug with checkbox and radio questions when compiling survey results
- Added URL encoding for checkbox, radio matrix, and radio question types
- Fixed MySQL default value bug for survey questions
- Updated datepicker formating for date question type
- Fixed MySQL default value bug for survey pages
- Adding "Guests" member group to prevent PHP error on survey submissions page
- Fixed date question type issues (If you are upgrading from an earlier version you will have to open up each survey and re-save it...)
- Added "Enter-to-add" functionality for radio matrix question type
- Fixed compatibility issues with EE 2.3
- Using PHP DateTime object features (requires PHP 5.3 or greater)
VWM Surveys is currently in beta. I by no means consider it to be production ready. That said, I welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to make VWM Surveys more awesome.
I provide the following support options:
- More question types!
- Unique checkbox, radio, and radio matrix keys
- Messages moved into language files