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This bot automates some tasks in the vitessio/vitess git repo.

It currently automates the following tasks:

  • Adds a review checklist comment on any Pull Request that is ready for review.
  • Adds the NeedsWebsiteDocsUpdate, NeedsDescriptionUpdate, and NeedsIssue labels to opened Pull Requests.
  • Creates backports and forwardports
    • The suffix following the labels Backport to: or Forwardport to: must match the git branch name
    • If there is conflict, the backport PR will be created as a draft and a comment will be added to ping the author of the original PR.
  • Automatic query serving error code documentation
  • Automatic cobra documentation generation for programs:
    • If a PR is merged to main, a website PR is created automatically.
    • If a PR is merged to another branch, nothing is done (yet!).
    • When a release is published, a website PR to update the COBRADOC_VERSION_PAIRS and regenerate the docs is opened. If an existing sync PR is in-flight, the second PR will be based on that one, and they may be merged in either order.

Installing the Bot

You can install and configure the bot with the following commands:

  1. git clone
  2. cd vitess-bot/
  3. go build -o vitess-bot ./...
  4. ./vitess-bot

An example of how we run the bot in production is available in .github/workflows/deploy.yml.


⚠️ When using GitHub self-hosted runners, the bot should only be running on one of the runners at any given time.

Local Testing

We first need to install localtunnel. This tool will give us a public URL that will be linked to our local environment. It allows GitHub to send us Webhooks. Once installed, open a new terminal and run it: lt --port 8080. This will prompt you with the URL linked to your machine. In our GitHub App configuration we are going to use this URL. The URL changes whenever we re-start the lt command, so you might need to update the configuration of your GitHub App after restarting lt.

In order to test the bot locally you will need to create a new GitHub App in

  • You can name it however you want.
  • The Homepage URL can be or anything else.
  • The Identifying and authorizing users and Post installation sections can be left empty.
  • In the Webhook section you will need to fill in the Webhook URL. You can get this value by running lt --port 8080 locally, this will print the URL linked to your local environment. Use that URL in the field. You must add /api/github/hook after the URL printed by lt, to redirect the webhooks to the correct API path (i.e.
  • You also need to set a Webhook secret and save its value for later.
  • In the section Permissions, we need for repository permissions: Contents (Read & Write), Issues (Read & Write), Metadata (Read Only), Pull requests (Read & Write)
  • In the section Subscribe to events select: Create, Issue comment, Issues, Pull request, Push, and Release. Or any other permission depending on what you need for your local dev.
  • In the section Where can this GitHub App be installed?, select Any account.
  • Click on Create GitHub App.

Once created, you can install your App. I recommend installing your app to your own fork of Vitess.

We now need to generate an SSH Key for our App. Go to the settings page of your App, scroll down and click Generate a private key. Download the key and put the file in the .data/ directory of this repository.

Now, create an .env file at the root. The file is formatted as follows:


Replace the placeholders with the proper values. You will be able to find GITHUB_APP_INTEGRATION_ID in the General page of your GitHub App under App ID.

Note that the BOT_USER_LOGIN is the name you gave the App you created above, plus the literal [bot] on the end.

Once that is done, you should be able to run the program!

Production deployment

The bot is deployed on a remote machine using the GitHub Actions located in .github/workflows/deploy.yml.

On every push to main, GitHub Action will run the workflow that will perform a set of commands over SSH on the production server. Below are all the shell commands executed:

cd $HOME/vitess-bot
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
git clean -fd
git fetch origin main
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
killall -9 vitess-bot
source ~/.profile
go build -o vitess-bot ./go
nohup ./vitess-bot &


Automate tasks for vitessio/vitess



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