SLIIT 2nd Year 2nd Semester Mobile Application Development (MAD) Mini Project
Devaloped by Team
| Viraj - User | Adeesha - Marks | Piumi - Papers | Hasitha - Assignments
| Lanuage - JAVA | Database - FireBase | IDE - Android Studio | Integrate Technology Service - Github
- Fully focus on academic stuff about university students and main priority to develop/help to be the 100%theoretically best graduate student.
we are focusing on main academic three areas of student,
- Assignments a. sample past years assignments b. recommended assignment samples
- Exams a. Proper Answer sheets b. marks c. past papers 4.marking guides
- Grades a. calculates and predict grades b. calculates GPA c. search eligible degree programs for the GPA (SE, CS, IT, etc.)
- Our customers will be the all undergraduate students in SLIIT.
- further project we can spread this idea to the whole country.
- government and Non-government universities and make a great stand for the local undergraduates.