Releases: vinszent/gnome-twitch
Minor bug fixes and translation updates for v0.4.1. Changelog entry
Major thanks to everyone that reported bugs and a special thanks to @pfent @piotrdrag @Generator @kostich @Sunderland93 @Cyberstar1 @AlejandroC90 for their updated translations!
This has been an extremely delayed release which I intended to publish a lot earlier. This release is mainly about increasing stability and having better error handling. It really isn't very exciting work so that's part of the reason for the delay. I now feel that a lot of the ground work has been layed for a more solid GT that I feel comfortable in developing newer features for, without being dragged down in technical debt. There still will be bugs and I haven't completely eliminated crashes but hopefully there will be a significant decrease in both 😄 .
Putting that aside, some nice features have been implemented including better chat moving and resizing, language selection, displaying all stream qualities, displaying all badges (such as the different level sub badges), lots of UI additions and tweaks, plus much more! You can read about it in more detail in the changelog.
I want to thank @TingPing for helping out a tonne with cleaning up my Meson build scripts, packaging GT for Flatpak, and pointing out fixes and corrections that I need to make. Also @dengelt for being active and helpful when people report issues and also reporting bugs that I miss. Many thanks as well to all the people who do spend their time and effort to report issues, it helps me a lot in both fixing GT and making it more useful to all those who use it 👍 .
Lastly v0.4.1 will be released shortly with any bug fixes that occur from v0.4.0 as well as updated translations (I will be pinging previous translation contributors to kindly update them). Look forward to v0.5.0 which will have many of the big features you guys have been asking for as I can finally focus on developing them!
So finally after 4 months of hard work (and many delays), the next major version of GNOME Twitch is available! Many new features have been added as well as a lot of groundwork has been laid for future devlopment.
Thanks to everyone for posting feature requests, bug reports and stopping by the Gitter channel to chat.
I would like to show my gratitude all the translators for once again helping out and bringing GT to as many people as possible.
An extra shoutout to @dengelt and @mattiasb for putting extra effort into GNOME Twitch as a project and aiding me a lot.
For a more comprehensive writeup, please have a look at the news post I wrote.
I'll be updating with v0.3.1 soonish with any bug fixes and extra translations. I hope you enjoy the new release and look forward to v0.4.0!
Emergency release because of the new requirement to have Client-ID set on all API requests that I found out about very late... sorry for any inconvenience.
Arch and Fedora packages have been updated however Debian/Ubuntu packages might take a while. Might be best to wait until 0.3.0 so package maintainers don't have to rush and then repackage in a week or two.
However v0.3.0 should be out very soon with loads of new features!
Adds chat, better UI and general code cleanup/fixes/stability.
I want to thank everybody who helped the project, your support is much appreciated!
Thanks to @dchristidis, @dengelt and @jangernert for going the extra mile and doing a whole tonne of things including sending code, sorting out bugs and general meta stuff.
Also thanks to all the translators @pfent @hmsintrepide @kordianbruck @piotrdrag @Generator @Sunderland93 @kostich @Riflex for making GT available to so many more people.
GT is still very much a WIP but I am looking forward to making it even better and badass!