This project is an MVC framework created for studies and deepening knowledge in the PHP language
WIP: Last update in 03/25/2022
- PHP 7.4
- SQLite
- Composer 2.0
- pdo_sqlite
php -S localhost:8080 -t public/
- Clone the repository, or download it in the zip format and e unzip;
- Enable pdo_sqlite in php.ini file;
- RUN composer install
- RUN php -S localhost:8080 -t public/
- Access localhost:8080 with your browser
Of course, you can run the project with a robust web sever like Apache or NGINX. We are just not covering these steps.
For the project to execute without error, pdo_sqlite must be enabled in php.ini file. You can always check your dependencies with
php -m
Check the path to php.ini file with
php -i
- doctrine/ORM -> It's a solid Object Relational Mapper
- doctrine/cache -> A Doctrine/ORM requirement
- symfony/cache -> A Doctrine/ORM requirement
- doctrine/annotations -> A Doctrine/ORM requirement to use annotations
- monolog/monolog -> This package allows quickly and easy logs
This project is inspired by Model View Controller frameworks like Laravel.
Doctrine ist a famous ORM (object relational mapper) which enable us to worry in developing instead of writing SQl queries.
- public has the index.php file, and the front-end assets like HTML, CSS and JS;
- app/Controllers has the controllers;
- app/data has the EntityManager, responsible to connect with the database;
- app/Model has the application entities;
- app/routes has a file where the application routes must be declared;
- app/Utils has the application views handler;
- app/Views has application views;
By default, the application write the log file in the root directory.
- Enhance logs
- Enhance commentary in code
- Enhance Exception/Error treatment
- Enhance the View Handler
Vinicius Alberto Alves da Silva
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]