GitOps of K8S resources.
Folder Structure:
- awx-operator.yml
`-> Control-Plane Execution Environment - awx-resource-operator.yml
`-> Control-plane Configuration - argocd-operator.yml
`-> Control-Plane Configuration Policy - gitea-operator.yml
`-> Control-Plane Configuration Store
- awx-operator.yml
- galaxy-operator.yml
`-> Content Distribution - gitea-operator.yml
`-> Content Store
- galaxy-operator.yml
- grafana-operator.yml
`-> Visualization & Reporting - elastic-operator.yml
`-> Datastore (Logging, Facts, etc...) - prometheus-operator.yml
`-> Telemetry & Alert Management - prometheus-exporter-operator.yml
`-> Telemetry Collector
- grafana-operator.yml
Kustomize wasn't made to manipulate and template multiples entries of the same objects.
YQ is ideal to query and change YAML k/v.
jinja2-cli is an option to explore, in order to templatize configurations.
Ansible just for templating is overkill.