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This repository helps to reproduce server setup and deployment


Installing Docker on Debian

Update the apt package index:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
 ca-certificates \
 curl \
 gnupg \

Add Docker’s official GPG key:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

Set up the Docker stable repository for Debian:

echo"deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] bookworm stable"| sudo tee/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null 
This command adds the correct repository for Debian Bookworm.

Update the apt package index and install Docker:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Verify the installation by running the hello-world Docker image:

sudo docker run hello-world

This will add the correct Docker repository for Debian Bookworm and then install Docker. Be sure to have sudo privileges to execute these commands. Also, always ensure that you're using the correct repository for your Linux distribution and version to avoid such issues.

Create a docker network

that is used for container communication

docker network create --driver bridge sorc_network

Use this network name with the option --network sorc_network when starting docker container.

Users and groups

Users and their purpose:

  • admin-user
  • dockeruser: run docker container
  • apprunner: user to be used inside containers with restricted rights
sudo useradd dockeruser # todo: group?
sudo useradd --system --shell /usr/sbin/nologin apprunner

Allow the admin user to execute commands under the name of dockeruser

sudo visudo

Add the following line to allow all commands to be executed as user dockeruser

yourusername ALL=(dockeruser) NOPASSWD: ALL

git authentication

Follow this guide


This folder provides scripts that help the deployment process. First, copy all scripts to /usr/local/bin

sudo cp utils/* /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/

Set permissions

sudo /usr/local/bin/ /srv/caddy

Sets recursively the

  • user apprunner
  • group apprunner
  • and permissions chmod 740 to folders including subfolders and files located as given
-rwxr-----    /srv/caddy

use this for folder that contains folders and files that are mounted into docker containers

sudo /usr/local/bin/

Sets the

  • user dockeruser
  • group docker
  • and permissions chmod 750 to a script located in /usr/local/bin/
-rwxr-x---    /usr/local/bin/

use this for every start script that is starting docker or docker compose.

sudo /usr/local/bin/

Keeps user and group and sets the

  • the permissions chmod 750 to a script located in /usr/local/bin/
-rwxr-x---    /usr/local/bin/

use this for every deployment script that is using git clone/pull to get the newest version of an app.


Caddy Directories

Location of data /srv/caddy

Create directories (certs only in case of self-managed certificates)

sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/
sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/data
sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/config
sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/media
sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/static
sudo mkdir /srv/caddy/certs

Create a Caddyfile (or copy)

sudo nano /srv/caddy/Caddyfile

Set Correct permissions

The user apprunner is the user inside the docker container. So, this user needs permissions for the folders that are mounted into the docker container

sudo chown -R apprunner:apprunner /srv/caddy
sudo chmod -R 740 /srv/caddy
sudo chgrp -R docker /srv/caddy

or use this script

sudo utils/ /srv/caddy

Script for starting the docker container (

Preparation: copy the script to /usr/bin/local and set the permissions

sudo /usr/local/bin/
# or
sudo chown dockeruser:docker /usr/bin/local/
sudo chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/

Run the script as dockeruser

sudo -u dockeruser sh /usr/bin/local/

Shiny Apps

Shiny Server

Directory structure on host

Move the index-app from this repo to /srv/shiny/apps and /srv/shiny/apps_dev

|-- apps
|   |-- app1
|   |   |-- app.R (or ui.R/server.R)
|   |-- app2
|   |   |-- app.R (or ui.R/server.R)
|-- apps-test
|   |-- app1
|   |   |-- app.R (or ui.R/server.R)
|   |-- app2
|   |   |-- app.R (or ui.R/server.R)
|-- shiny-server.conf
  • /srv/shiny/apps: This directory contains the production-ready Shiny applications. Each app has its own directory (e.g., app1, app2), and inside each app directory is the app.R file (or both ui.R and server.R if you're using the two-file structure).
  • /srv/shiny/apps-test: This directory holds the development/testing versions of the Shiny applications. The structure mirrors the production apps directory.
  • /srv/shiny/apps-test/index: Similar to the production index, this would be your landing page or directory listing for development apps.
  • /srv/shiny/log: This directory contains the log files written by the Shiny Server.
  • /srv/shiny/log-test: This directory contains the log files written by the Shiny Test Server.
  • /srv/shiny/shiny-server.conf: The Shiny Server configuration file.

If not existing, create the directories

sudo mkdir /srv/shiny
sudo mkdir /srv/shiny/apps
sudo mkdir /srv/shiny/apps-test
sudo mkdir /srv/shiny/log
sudo mkdir /srv/shiny/log-test

Copy from this repo the index and example app and shiny-server config

sudo cp shiny-server.conf /srv/shiny/
sudo cp index /srv/shiny/apps/
sudo cp mini-example /srv/shiny/apps/
sudo cp index /srv/shiny/apps-test/
sudo cp mini-example /srv/shiny/apps-test/

Build the docker image

  • in the Dockerfile, adapt
    • the R libraries to install
    • the user id and group id to match the docker host
  • assuming from this repo directory
  • on mac, include option --platform linux/amd64
cd shiny
docker build -t sorc_shiny_image .

TODO: set up own docker registry, instead of building containers on this server

Run the shiny-server docker

Change the permissions for the start script

sudo /usr/local/bin/
sudo /usr/local/bin/

and run the script as dockeruser

sudo -u dockeruser /usr/local/bin/
# or
sudo -u dockeruser /usr/local/bin/

Restart only the shiny server, e.g. after changing the config

docker exec -it shiny-prod sudo systemctl restart shiny-server

Deploying Shiny Apps

Use the script as your normal user

sudo /usr/local/bin/ app_name git_repo_full_path test_or_prod
# this will deploy to /srv/shiny/apps/myapp
sudo /usr/local/bin/ myapp [email protected]:username/myapp.git prod
# this will deploy to /srv/shiny/apps-test/myapp
sudo /usr/local/bin/ myapp [email protected]:username/myapp.git test


Django Directories

|-- .env.test
|-- docker-compose.test.yml

Start the production server

sudo /usr/local/bin/

create superuser

docker exec django-web-service-name python createsuperuser


docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash your-image-nam
docker create --name temp django-web-1
docker cp temp:/code/ .
docker rm temp

docker inspect your-image-name
docker history your-image-name

Start the test server

sudo /usr/local/bin/ --docker-image-tag=test-image --docker-compose-file=/srv/django/docker-compose.test.yml


Vue Directories

Vue is directly deployed to the static files served by the caddy server. It is important to match the directory path in the caddy file with the base path in the vue.config.js file.

To deploy a new version of the vue app,

  • pull the docker image
  • run the deployment script


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