npm install wd
- Adam Christian (admc)
- Ruben Daniels (javruben)
- Peter Braden (peterbraden)
- Seb Vincent (sebv)
- Peter 'Pita' Martischka (pita)
- Jonathan Lipps (jlipps)
- Phil Sarin (pdsarin)
- Mathieu Sabourin (OniOni)
- Bjorn Tipling (btipling)
- Santiago Suarez Ordonez (santiycr)
- Bernard Kobos (bernii)
- Jason Carr (maudineormsby)
- License - Apache 2:
): wd shell > x = wd.remote() or wd.remote("", 80, "username", "apikey") > x.init() or x.init({desired capabilities ovveride}) > x.get("") > x.eval("window.location.href", function(e, o) { console.log(o) }) > x.quit()
var webdriver = require('wd') , assert = require('assert'); var browser = webdriver.remote(); browser.on('status', function(info){ console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', info); }); browser.on('command', function(meth, path){ console.log(' > \x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m: %s', meth, path); }); desired = { browserName:'chrome' , tags: ["examples"] , name: "This is an example test" }; browser.init(desired, function() { browser.get("", function() { browser.title(function(err, title) { assert.ok(~title.indexOf('I am a page title - Sauce Labs'), 'Wrong title!'); browser.elementById('i am a link', function(err, el) { browser.clickElement(el, function() { browser.eval("window.location.href", function(err, location) { assert.ok(~location.indexOf('guinea-pig2')); browser.quit(); }); }); }); }); }); });
A promise api using q is available. Code sample is here.
A chain api is also available. Code sample is here.
JsonWireProtocol | wd |
GET /status Query the server's current status. |
status(cb) -> cb(err, status) |
POST /session Create a new session. |
init(desired, cb) -> cb(err, sessionID) Initialize the browser. |
GET /sessions Returns a list of the currently active sessions. |
sessions(cb) -> cb(err, sessions)
## Alternate strategy to get session capabilities from server session list |
GET /session/:sessionId Retrieve the capabilities of the specified session. |
sessionCapabilities(cb) -> cb(err, capabilities) |
DELETE /session/:sessionId Delete the session. |
quit(cb) -> cb(err) Destroy the browser. |
POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. |
setPageLoadTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err) (use setImplicitWaitTimeout and setAsyncScriptTimeout to set the other timeouts) |
POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts/async_script Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, that asynchronous scripts executed by /session/:sessionId/execute_async are permitted to run before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. |
setAsyncScriptTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/timeouts/implicit_wait Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements. |
setImplicitWaitTimeout(ms, cb) -> cb(err) |
GET /session/:sessionId/window_handle Retrieve the current window handle. |
windowHandle(cb) -> cb(err, handle) |
GET /session/:sessionId/window_handles Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session. |
windowHandles(cb) -> cb(err, arrayOfHandles) |
GET /session/:sessionId/url Retrieve the URL of the current page. |
url(cb) -> cb(err, url) |
POST /session/:sessionId/url Navigate to a new URL. |
get(url,cb) -> cb(err) Get a new url. |
POST /session/:sessionId/forward Navigate forwards in the browser history, if possible. |
forward(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/back Navigate backwards in the browser history, if possible. |
back(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/refresh Refresh the current page. |
refresh(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/execute Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. |
execute(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
Execute script using eval(code):
Evaluate expression (using execute):
Evaluate expression (using safeExecute): |
POST /session/:sessionId/execute_async Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. |
executeAsync(code, args, cb) -> cb(err, result)
Execute async script using eval(code): |
GET /session/:sessionId/screenshot Take a screenshot of the current page. |
takeScreenshot(cb) -> cb(err, screenshot) |
POST /session/:sessionId/frame Change focus to another frame on the page. |
frame(frameRef, cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/window Change focus to another window. |
window(name, cb) -> cb(err) |
DELETE /session/:sessionId/window Close the current window. |
close(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/window/:windowHandle/maximize Maximize the specified window if not already maximized. |
maximize(handle, cb) -> cb(err) |
GET /session/:sessionId/cookie Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page. |
allCookies() -> cb(err, cookies) |
POST /session/:sessionId/cookie Set a cookie. |
setCookie(cookie, cb) -> cb(err) cookie example: {name:'fruit', value:'apple'} ## Optional cookie fields path, domain, secure, expiry |
DELETE /session/:sessionId/cookie Delete all cookies visible to the current page. |
deleteAllCookies(cb) -> cb(err) |
DELETE /session/:sessionId/cookie/:name Delete the cookie with the given name. |
deleteCookie(name, cb) -> cb(err) |
GET /session/:sessionId/source Get the current page source. |
source(cb) -> cb(err, source) |
GET /session/:sessionId/title Get the current page title. |
title(cb) -> cb(err, title) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root. |
element(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
elementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) |
POST /session/:sessionId/elements Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root. |
elements(using, value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
elementsByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, elements)
## Retrieve an element avoiding not found exception and returning null instead
elementByClassNameOrNull(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
## Retrieve an element avoiding not found exception and returning undefined instead
elementByClassNameIfExists(value, cb) -> cb(err, element)
## Check if element exists
hasElementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/active Get the element on the page that currently has focus. |
active(cb) -> cb(err, element) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/element Search for an element on the page, starting from the identified element. |
elementByClassName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByCssSelector(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementById(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByPartialLinkText(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByTagName(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByXPath(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) elementByCss(value, cb) -> cb(err, element) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/click Click on an element. |
clickElement(element, cb) -> cb(err) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/submit Submit a FORM element. |
submit(element, cb) -> cb(err) Submit a `FORM` element. |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/text Returns the visible text for the element. |
text(element, cb) -> cb(err, text)
element.text(cb) -> cb(err, text)
## Check if text is present
element.textPresent(searchText, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/value Send a sequence of key strokes to an element. |
type(element, keys, cb) -> cb(err)
element.type(keys, cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/keys Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element. |
keys(keys, cb) -> cb(err) Press keys (keys may still be down at the end of command). special key map: wd.SPECIAL_KEYS (see lib/special-keys.js) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/name Query for an element's tag name. |
getTagName(element, cb) -> cb(err, name)
element.getTagName(cb) -> cb(err, name) |
POST /session/:sessionId/element/:id/clear Clear a TEXTAREA or text INPUT element's value. |
clear(element, cb) -> cb(err)
element.clear(cb) -> cb(err) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/selected Determine if an OPTION element, or an INPUT element of type checkbox or radiobutton is currently selected. |
isSelected(element, cb) -> cb(err, selected) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/attribute/:name Get the value of an element's attribute. |
getAttribute(element, attrName, cb) -> cb(err, value)
element.getAttribute(attrName, cb) -> cb(err, value)
Get element value (in value attribute):
element.getValue(cb) -> cb(err, value) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/displayed Determine if an element is currently displayed. |
isDisplayed(element, cb) -> cb(err, displayed)
element.isDisplayed(cb) -> cb(err, displayed) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/location Determine an element's location on the page. |
getLocation(element, cb) -> cb(err, location)
element.getLocation(cb) -> cb(err, location) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/size Determine an element's size in pixels. |
getSize(element, cb) -> cb(err, size)
element.getSize(cb) -> cb(err, size) |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/css/:propertyName Query the value of an element's computed CSS property. |
getComputedCss(element, cssProperty , cb) -> cb(err, value)
element.getComputedCss(cssProperty , cb) -> cb(err, value)
element.getComputedCss(cssProperty , cb) -> cb(err, value) |
GET /session/:sessionId/orientation Get the current browser orientation. |
getOrientation(cb) -> cb(err, orientation) |
POST /session/:sessionId/orientation Set the browser orientation. |
setOrientation(cb) -> cb(err, orientation) |
GET /session/:sessionId/alert_text Gets the text of the currently displayed JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or prompt() dialog. |
alertText(cb) -> cb(err, text) |
POST /session/:sessionId/alert_text Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog. |
alertKeys(keys, cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/accept_alert Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog. |
acceptAlert(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/dismiss_alert Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog. |
dismissAlert(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/moveto Move the mouse by an offset of the specificed element. |
moveTo(element, xoffset, yoffset, cb) -> cb(err) Move to element, xoffset and y offset are optional. |
POST /session/:sessionId/click Click any mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command). |
click(button, cb) -> cb(err) Click on current element. Buttons: {left: 0, middle: 1 , right: 2} |
POST /session/:sessionId/buttondown Click and hold the left mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command). |
buttonDown(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/buttonup Releases the mouse button previously held (where the mouse is currently at). |
buttonUp(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/doubleclick Double-clicks at the current mouse coordinates (set by moveto). |
doubleclick(cb) -> cb(err) |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/flick Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events. |
flick(xSpeed, ySpeed, cb) -> cb(err)
element.flick(xoffset, yoffset, speed, cb) -> cb(err) |
esired, cb |
Opens a new window (using Javascript newWindow(url, name, cb) -> cb(err) newWindow(url, cb) -> cb(err) name: optional window name Window can later be accessed by name with the window method, or by getting the last handle returned by the windowHandles method. |
rl, name, cb |
windowName(cb) -> cb(err, name) |
waitForElement(using, value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) |
waitForVisible(using, value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) |
waitForElementByClassName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByCssSelector(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementById(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByLinkText(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByPartialLinkText(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByTagName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByXPath(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForElementByCss(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) |
waitForVisibleByClassName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByCssSelector(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleById(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByLinkText(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByPartialLinkText(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByTagName(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByXPath(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) waitForVisibleByCss(value, timeout, cb) -> cb(err) |
isVisible(element , cb) -> cb(err, boolean) isVisible(queryType, querySelector, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) |
Waits for JavaScript condition to be true (polling within wd client): waitForCondition(conditionExpr, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) waitForCondition(conditionExpr, timeout, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) waitForCondition(conditionExpr, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) conditionExpr: condition expression, should return a boolean timeout: timeout (optional, default: 1000) pollFreq: pooling frequency (optional, default: 100) return true if condition satisfied, error otherwise. |
Waits for JavaScript condition to be true (async script polling within browser): waitForConditionInBrowser(conditionExpr, timeout, pollFreq, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) waitForConditionInBrowser(conditionExpr, timeout, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) waitForConditionInBrowser(conditionExpr, cb) -> cb(err, boolean) conditionExpr: condition expression, should return a boolean timeout: timeout (optional, default: 1000) pollFreq: pooling frequency (optional, default: 100) return true if condition satisfied, error otherwise. |
isVisible(cb) -> cb(err, boolean) |
WD is simply implementing the Selenium JsonWireProtocol, for more details see the official docs: -
- Run the selenium server with chromedriver: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar<PATH>/chromedriver - cd wd - npm install . - make test - look at the results!
- cd wd - npm install . - make test_saucelabs
If the method you want to use is not yet implemented, that should be
easy to add it to lib/webdriver.js
. You can use the doubleclick
method as a template for methods not returning data, and getOrientation
for methods which returns data. No need to modify README as the doc
generation is automated. Other contributions are welcomed.
The JsonWire mappings in the README and mapping files are generated from code comments using dox.
To update the mappings run the following commands:
- make mapping > doc/ - make full_mapping > doc/
The content of doc/ should then be manually integrated into