Create a video rental web application by using MEAN stack.
Your application should include all CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for manipulating videos.
Add images to video listingand video details (edit) page. You will show thumbnail images for listing page (home page) and show original size images for details page. You don’t need to automatically upload pictures. Store your images under “public/images” folder and name each image as “{video.picture}”.jpg for original size image and “{video.picture}”_tn.jpgfor thumbnail size image. There is no restriction on image file format, thus you can use any image format. (jpg, jpeg, png, etc.)
Add user authentication to your application by adding register and login pages. Allow only signed inusers tosee the list of videos;add,editand delete videos. When users login to the website, on homepage, they should only see the videos they have created and should be able to update and delete their own videos.