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Example project for Uploadcare-php client

This example project demonstrates the uploadcare-php capabilities.

The project is based on the Symfony Framework, and the library can be used in any PHP environment on its own.

Table of contents

Usage with Docker

Docker is an easy option to run this project in a package. Here’s how to deploy this demo project with Docker.

  1. Clone this repository and build a Docker image:
docker build -t uploadcare-example-project -f Dockerfile .
  1. Run the image:
docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -e UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY=<your public key> -e UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY=<your secret key> uploadcare-example-project sh
  1. Install composer packages (composer install) in the container shell and run a simple dev-server:

php -S public/index.php

  1. Open the project’s web-interface in your web browser locally:


Install demo-project


  • php 8.1
  • ext-ctype
  • ext-iconv
  • ext-curl

First steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run composer install from project's root.
  3. Check out examples.

Container initialization

Symfony-container example

    uploadcare_public_key: '%env(UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY)%'
    uploadcare_secret_key: '%env(UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY)%'

        class: Uploadcare\Configuration
        factory: ['Uploadcare\Configuration', 'create']
        arguments: ['%uploadcare_public_key%', '%uploadcare_secret_key%']

        alias: 'Uploadcare\Interfaces\ConfigurationInterface'

            - '@uploadcare.configuration'

See working example in config/services.yaml

Laravel-container example

// config/uploadcare.php
return [
    'uploadcare_public_key' => env('UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY'),
// app/providers/UploadcareServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Uploadcare\Api;
use Uploadcare\Configuration;
use Uploadcare\Interfaces\ConfigurationInterface;

class UploadcareProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(ConfigurationInterface::class, function () {
            return Configuration::create(config('uploadcare.public_key'), config('uploadcare.secret_key'));

        $this->app->bind(Api::class, function (Application $app) {
            return new Api($app->get(ConfigurationInterface::class));

Direct initialization

Define variables or constants with Uploadcare public and secret keys:

(new \Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv())->bootEnv(__DIR__ . '/.env');

// Or something like that
defined('UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY') or define('UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY', '<Your public key>');
defined('UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY') or define('UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY', '<Your secret key>');

Make a configuration object and API instance:

$configuration = \Uploadcare\Configuration::create($_ENV['UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY'], $_ENV['UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY']);
$api = new \Uploadcare\Api($configuration);

Or make an API instance with factory:

$api = \Uploadcare\Api::create($_ENV['UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY'], $_ENV['UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY']);

Common information

All web-examples are accessible with a development web-server by Symfony CLI.

Project info

You can get the project information by its public key.

Console example, Web example. The web example sits in the / (root) directory.

Project Info

File operations

Upload file

Console usage example

See App\Command\UploadFileCommand (src/Command/UploadFileCommand.php);

There are a few ways to upload files. You can upload files from a file path, a resource created by \fopen() function of the SplFileObject implementation, from a remote URL, and from the string contents.

All these uploading options are supported as console commands. For example, this command will upload a file from the path:

bin/console app:upload-file /path/to/file

Read help to learn more about other parameters:

app:upload-file --help

Web usage example

Check out the controller example App\Controller\UploadController and the markup template templates/upload/index.html.twig.

This example shows upload operations in the web UI. Most web-services provide an option to limit the uploading file size. In this simple example, you’ll limit the file size on a server, and can perform one-piece uploading.

Steps to run:

  1. Open https://localhost:8000/upload in your web browser.
  2. Select a file to upload and then see how it’s uploaded.

You can also add metadata to the file before upload.

Files and file info

If you have files in your project, you can see them in the /file-list directory or by using a app:file-info [file-id] command. There are console examples in src/Command/FileInfoCommand.php and web examples in the src/Controller/FileInfoController.php

File info

On the file info page you will see the common information (uuid, original file name, type, url, etc.) and add-ons info. Addons are:

Objects recognition

Remove background

Antivirus Info

Store file

This option makes sense when you upload a file with the store field option set to 0. Anyway, you can call the store method on any file. See examples in StoreFileController.

Please, remember that your files will be deleted after 24 hours in case you not store them and your project has not "Auto store" option.

Delete file

You can delete any file from the file-info screen. Find examples in DeleteFileController.

Batch store files

You can apply the Store operation for all files or for selected files. Look at /batch-store and BatchStoreController for examples.

Batch delete files

You can delete all files or selected files with a batch delete operation. See /batch-delete and BatchDeleteController for examples.

Group operations

You can see your groups of files in /groups ("Group list" menu item). You can go deeper and see the group info by clicking the to group ID in the list. Find examples in GroupController::index and GroupController::info.

Create group

You can see your file list In the /group-create directory ("Create group" menu item). Also, you can select files and create a group. Find examples in GroupController::createGroup.

Create group

After creating a group, your browser will redirect to the /group-info page.

Conversion operations

Uploadcare API provides options to convert documents (DOCs, PDFs, etc.) and video-files to various formats. See Document Conversion and Video Encoding documentation.

In this library, you don’t need to create the conversion URLs manually, and just create a special object for each conversion (document or video) and use it through the library API.

Convert document

To convert a document from one format to another, create Uploadcare\Conversion\DocumentConversionRequest and set it as a target data. For example:

$configuration = \Uploadcare\Configuration::create($_ENV['UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY'], $_ENV['UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY']);
$api = new \Uploadcare\Api($configuration);
$dcr = (new Uploadcare\Conversion\DocumentConversionRequest())
$file = $api->file()->fileInfo('1822793d-5cdb-418e-8545-6bd6a5dd74bd');

$result = $api->conversion()->convertDocument($file, $dcr);

In this case, we take a PDF file and convert its second page to a PNG image. The $result variable will contain either:

  • Uploadcare\Interfaces\Conversion\ConvertedItemInterface if everything is okay.
  • Uploadcare\Interfaces\Response\ResponseProblemInterface in case the conversion cannot be done, or your account plan doesn’t support the document conversion.

ConvertedItemInterface contains UUID of the converted document and a token, that can be used in a conversion status request.

If you pass true to the setThrowError method of DocumentConversionRequest, any conversion problem will throw Uploadcare\Exception\ConversionException. Otherwise, the response will contain ResponseProblemInterface. Examples can be found in /convert-document ("Convert Document" menu item), and the code examples in DocumentConversionController

Document Conversion Status

After the document is converted successfully, you’ll be redirected to the Document conversion status page:

Document conversion status

See the code example in DocumentConversionController::conversionResult.

Convert video

To create a video conversion request, make the Uploadcare\Conversion\VideoEncodingRequest and add request data to it. See Video Encoding documentation for the detailed description and Uploadcare\Interfaces\Conversion\VideoEncodingRequestInterface for library API options.

For example, you can request converting a video file to the WebM format, resize it to 720px in width, while preserving the aspect ratio, compress the file and store it:

$configuration = \Uploadcare\Configuration::create($_ENV['UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY'], $_ENV['UPLOADCARE_SECRET_KEY']);
$api = new \Uploadcare\Api($configuration);
$ver = (new \Uploadcare\Conversion\VideoEncodingRequest())
$file = $api->file()->fileInfo('f24a5fdd-8318-4b3f-a77e-00be2ec47576');

$result = $api->conversion()->convertVideo($file, $ver);

You can also trim the video by setting start and end time in H:MM:SS.sss or MM:SS.sss formats.

The $result (as in document conversion) will contain either ConvertedItemInterface or ResponseProblemInterface.

You can see how it works by opening any video file info in the web UI and clicking the "Request video conversion" button.

Video conversion request

See code examples in VideoConversionController::conversionRequest.

Video Conversion Status

After the video is converted successfully, your browser will redirect to the Video conversion status page. This page looks like the Document conversion status, because the conversion status object implements the same interface.

Webhook operations

Uploadcare provides an option to call any URL by the file uploading (webhooks). The library API provides methods to create, update and delete webhooks.

List Of Webhooks

You can see the list of project webhooks in /webhooks ("List of project webhooks" menu item). Also, you can call the method $api->webhook()->listWebhooks() to get this list (CollectionInterface will be returned).

See code examples in WebhooksController::index.

Create Webhook

The webhook creation runs in /webhook-create ("Create new webhook" menu item). You need to set the target URL to create a webhook.

See code examples in WebhooksController::createWebhook

Update Webhook

You can click on "Update" button in the webhook list and get the update form. There, you can change the URL or a webhook’s event. See code examples in WebhooksController::updateWebhook.

Webhook update form

Delete Webhook

You can delete a webhook from a webhook list. Code examples in WebhooksController::deleteWebhook.


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