This is an example project to demonstate how to deploy a Next.js static site using AWS CDK.
Checkout the blog post for a more indepth explaination: Building a Next.js Serverless Static Site using AWS CDK.
All the CI / CD and AWS CDK infrastructure code can be found under the .github folder. This requires you to have an AWS account already setup with a few essentials.
Some of these essentials include:
- IAM user you can use for deployment
- AWS CDK already bootstrapped
- Your domain setup in Route53
Checkout my tylangesmith-organisation/iam-entities and tylangesmith-organisation/cdk-bootstrap repos that might help with this.
After that's complete you'll need to ensure the environment variables in the deploy.yml file are set. These are as follows
Variable | Type | Description |
ACCOUNT_ID | GitHub Secret | The AWS Account ID |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | GitHub Secret | The IAM user Access Key ID |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | GitHub Secret | The IAM user Secret Access Key |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | Environment Variable | The default AWS region to use |
DOMAIN_NAME | Environment Variable | Your domain name |
SUBDOMAIN_NAME | Environment Variable | The subdomain to use |