Datasets specific to PHM (prognostics and health management). Use Python to easily download and prepare the data, before feature engineering or model training.
Current datasets:
- UC-Berkeley Milling Dataset: example notebook (open in Colab); dataset source
- IMS Bearing Dataset: dataset source
- Airbus Helicopter Accelerometer Dataset: dataset source
- More coming soon!
PyPHM is in active development. Expect considerable changes in the near future.
Our goals are to create:
- A package that implements common data preprocessing methods used by others.
- A package with a coherent and thoughtful API.
- Thorough documentation, with plenty of examples.
- A package that is well tested, with the use of type hints.
- A package built with continuous integration and continuous deployment.
Install with pip: pip install pyphm
Install from github repository: clone with git clone
. Then run python -m pip install -e .
to install the package on your local machine.
Run tests: python -m unittest discover -s tests