Don't have time to search through Trace? Get a quick of any Northeastern professor.
Try it out:
- First, all Khoury classes are scraped from Trace
- Second, all comments made on each class are scraped, along with the name of the professor
- Third, all comments placed under their respective professor
- Fourth, Google Gemini summarizes the positive comments and the critical comments into five words
# Download dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Copy the Template .env
cp .env.example .env
# Add all required variables to .env
# cookies - the cookies list for trace, see "How to Get Your Trace Cookies"
# mongo - MongoDB connection string
# gemini- Your Google Gemini API Key
# Scrape the data and upload to mongo, takes a few hours
screen python3
# Run the web server in production mode on port 8000
gunicorn -w 4 -b wsgi:app
- Log into Trace
- Open dev tools/inspect element, and access the "Network" tab
- Reload
- Click the first request
- Copy the value of "Cookie" under request headers, and paste that into the
, undercookies