SnmpCollector is a full featured Generic SNMP data collector with Web Administration Interface Open Source tool which has as main goal simplify the configuration for getting data from any device which snmp protocol support and send resulting data to an influxdb backend.
For complete information on installation from binary package and configuration you could read the snmpcollector wiki.
If you wish to compile from source code you can follow the next steps
If you want to build a package yourself, or contribute. Here is a guide for how to do that.
- Go 1.5 for snmpcollector < 0.8
- Go 1.11 for snmpcollector >= 0.8
- NodeJS >=6.2.1
git clone
cd snmpcollector
cp conf/sample.config.toml conf/config.toml
go run build.go build
npm install
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH # or export PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH depending on your shell
npm run build:prod # will build fronted and backend
After building frontend and backend you wil do
npm run postbuild #will build fronted and backend
you will need previously installed the fpm/rpm and deb packaging tools. After building frontend and backend you will do.
go run build.go latest
To execute without any configuration you need a minimal config.toml file on the conf directory.
cp conf/sample.config.toml conf/config.toml
This will create a default user with username adm1 and password adm1pass (don't forget to change them!).
go get
npm start
will init a change autodetect webserver with angular-cli (ng serve) and also a autodetect and recompile process with bra for the backend
Now you wil be able to configure metrics/measuremnets and devices from the builting web server at http://localhost:8090 or http://localhost:4200 if working in development mode (npm start)
You will be able also insert data directly on the sqlite db that snmpcollector has been created at first execution on config/snmpcollector.db examples on example_config.sql
cat conf/example_config.sql |sqlite3 conf/snmpcollector.db