.__ __ .__
_____|__| ____ _____ _____ _/ |_ ____ | |__ ___________
/ ___/ |/ ___\ / \\__ \\ __\/ ___\| | \_/ __ \_ __ \
\___ \| / /_/ > Y Y \/ __ \| | \ \___| Y \ ___/| | \/
/____ >__\___ /|__|_| (____ /__| \___ >___| /\___ >__|
\/ /_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Various signature matching algorithms.
You can look in the test
directory to check out a few examples of how to use sigmatcher.
In general, the following exmpale depict a common usage pattern:
#include "signature_matcher_factory.h"
int main()
// Create a signature matcher instance. See SignatureMatcherType for a list
// of supported matchers.
auto sig_matcher =
// Add a file to the sigmatcher. Each sigmatcher implementation is free to store the file's
// signature in whatever way it sees fit.
// Check if a file matches a known one
if (sig_matcher->Check("/path/to/another/file"))
// Match!
// Store the matcher's internal DB into persistent sotrage
if (!sig_matcher->Serialize("signatures.db"))
// Failure
return -1;
// Load a DB into memory
if (!sig_matcher->Deserialize("signatures.db"))
// Failure
return -1;
return 0;
- boost/crc
- boost/test
- openssl
- CMake