Implementation of a Neural Network with three layers for handwritten digits recognition.
The neural network has 3 layers - an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer. Images are pixel values of digit images and of size 20 x 20, which gives 400 input layer units. The cost function is computed by using Feedforward and gradiant is computed by doing a Backpropagation.
Note that the cost function is also regularized.
The training data set - training_data.mat has 5000 examples.
You can change the number of iterations in the file 'training.m' at
options = optimset('MaxIter', 50);
and change '50' to the number you want.
Some experiments done before:
Iterations Accuracy on the training set
10 76.3%
50 95.3%
100 98.7%
This project is part of Stanford Machine Learning course on Coursera.
1.Starting the Octave and move to the folder which contains all the source files.
in the Octave to train a Neural Network. It also saves weights(Theta_1, Theta_2) into wieghts.mat which will be used by prediction.m .
in the Octave to predict a random picture of a digit.