A Capacitor API for retrieving Photos from your device Camera Roll.
It's a Work in Progress. It's published so I thought it would be easier for me to test it. After 0.1.1, I'll branch out to development and publish it more sparsely after remembering that I could install from the repo.
As of 0.1.1, it fetches after second opening of the app the most recent photo on iOS and an encoded image on Android.
Android X support may come after Capacitor 2.0.0 is released.
npm i --save cap-photo-roll
import { DomSanitizer, SafeResourceUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
const { PhotoRoll } = Plugins;
selector: 'app-gallery',
template: '<img [src]="domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(lastPhoto)" />'
export class GalleryPage {
private lastPhoto = '';
async getPhoto() {
const latestPhoto = await PhotoRoll.getLastPhotoTaken();
this.lastPhoto = 'data:image/png;base64, ' + result.image;