Simple CLI tool designed to simplify the process of creating and managing virtual host configurations on a local development environment. It provides a convenient way to set up virtual hosts for web projects, making it easier to access them through custom domain names.
- PHP 8.1+
- Composer or Docker
01 -) Clone:
$ git clone
02 -) Change to phost
$ cd phost
phost $
03 -) Install dependencies with composer
package manager:
phost $ composer install
01 -) Give phost
phost $ chmod +x phost
02 -) Run phost
with sudo:
phost $ ./phost
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[*] Author: Thiago AKA thiiagoms
[*] Version: 1.1
>>> domain:
>>> extension:
01 -) Run lint:
phost $ composer phpcs
02 -) Run tests:
phost $ composer test