GitHub Release is a command-line utility for uploading files to GitHub releases.
Once you've got it, run it like so:
github-release upload \
--token '...' \
--owner 'someone' \
--repo 'something' \
--tag 'v1.2.3' \
--file 'path/to/example.tgz' \
--name 'example-1.2.3.tgz'
You can generate a token on the personal access tokens page of your
personal settings. The file
option is the path to the local file you want to
upload. The name
option is what the file should be called on the GitHub
GitHub Release is written in Haskell. If you want to build it yourself or use it in your project, you'll want to get Stack. Once you've done that, you can install and use it from the command line.
stack --resolver nightly install github-release
stack exec -- github-release upload # as above ...
Or you can use it from Haskell.
import qualified GitHubRelease
"..." -- token
"someone" -- owner
"something" -- repo
"1.2.3" -- tag
"path/to/example.tgz" -- file
"example-1.2.3.tgz" -- name
Inspired by