Git graphical branch layout approx the way it is done by tkcvs
I am not satisfied with the way most Git GUI's show the branch history layout.
Lately I ended up with a master, hotfix, develop and 2 release product branches. The develop branch contained a lot of new functionality. The 2 product release branches contained a lot of improvements etc, while the develop branch lags a lot behind. Once the product release branches were ready, merging them into develop ended up in removing the new functionality from the develop branch. Eventually I had to cherry pick the commits from the release branches to get a decent develop branch.
The rootcause of this problem was that a colleague branched new functionality from a wrong root branch by accident due to inexperience with git, and not a clear overview how the software was branched in git.
GitVersionTree shows a more understandable layout of the software, but it is less intuitive to me, eg starting at oldest at the top (not like a Tree is growing).