HTML 5 Device Orientation API - EmberJS - ThreeJS - WebSockets - Scala - Play
A full application stack for a reactive application with realt-time WebGL visualization, lets review the components:
HTML 5 API - WebSockets, HTML 5 Device Orientation API
EmberJS - interesting client side javasscript framework for building ambitious webapplications
Bootstrap - Bootstrap
Three.js - CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
PlayFramework - version 2.3 with the Scala API and Play Iteratees
ScalaWebSockets - defining websockets usage the same way as actions
Your development environment will require:
- SBT / Play see here for installation instructions.
Once the prerequisites have been installed, you will be able to execute the following from a terminal.
../reactive-orientation > activator run
This should fetch all the dependencies and start a Web Server listening on localhost:9000
Note: The new play 2.3 sometimes reloads the content too much so it's better to use the start command for live demo purposes.
../reactive-orientation > activator start